No Return is a first-person psychological horror game set in modern-day China. With a focus on family tragedy, the story unfolds as our protagonist is mysteriously prevented from r...
Prognostic is a supernatural horror about a medium who solves cases for the police. It combines horror elements with detective work. An orphan returns to the house of the deceased...
Ghost Blood is a first-person action game where you must fight the horrors of an abandoned graveyard to learn about ancient secrets and magic. Discover a rich world filled with cha...
Чтобы спасти мир в этом асимметричном шпионском триллере, нужны двое. Объединитесь с другом в качестве специального агента или элитного хакера и работайте вместе, чтобы поставить н...
Project Utgardr is an adventure, parkour and puzzle solving game in an old and far land. Based on exploration and nordic mythology... This is a non-game and none is playing with it...
The Infernal Return is a role-playing adventure game. Players will play the role as Koward, a guy who was abducted to the netherworld to sort out puzzles, collect items and eventua...
9 Подсказок 2: Палата - это вторая часть серии казуальных приключений Tap It Games с головоломками со скрытыми предметами, действие которой разворачивается в Америке 1950-х годов,...
When crisp air turns foul, and hideous beasts creep forth to dine on the flesh of innocents, a call will go forth. A call for brave adventurers skilled enough to protect the weak a...
Anna is a 2012 puzzle video game for Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux. Narratively a psychological horror set in an abandoned sawmill nestled high in the Italian mountains, Anna...
A two-player cooperative puzzle adventure, that is all about communication. Players have to follow parallel paths, explore a secret laboratory, describe what they see, and work tog...
Viewfinder - это игра-головоломка, в которой вы можете изменить мир вокруг себя, делая снимки с помощью моментальной камеры.
A 1998 action/adventure game and the sequel to the original Parker Brothers game Montezuma's Revenge. While the original game was a 2D platform game, this is a 3D first-person puzz...
Восстановите мир в королевстве Пяти Королевств! Королевство Пяти королевств сталкивается с огромным вызовом. Таинственная сила пытается разрушить отношения между людьми и эльфами...
Mortimer Beckett and the Lost King a game by the developer Paprikari it was released on the 19th of January 2010
Think in reverse. Outsmart the impossible. A mind-bending first-person adventure where you solve ingenious and complex puzzles by rewinding objects through time.
Hellnight (Dark Messiah in Japan) is a survival horror game at heart, although it has no combat gameplay. Controlling the nameless hero, the player must travel through the undergro...
Washed up on the shores of a timeless luxury retreat, you find yourself acquainted with its unhinged inhabitants. They await the day that the Sun will swallow the world. You are ob...
Can you run, swim and use a shotgun without your eyes? —I'm looking for 3024 people is an alternate reality game whose story spans from 1974 to the present. In the continuation of...
Iris has escaped from the Tower but she still needs your help! Explore the Kingdom of Stonebriar and solve the mysteries of the shadows that prowl its streets in this fun Adventure...
Pokémon Channel is a 2003 video game in the Pokémon series for the GameCube, developed by Ambrella and published by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company. The player's goal is to help P...
What a pity about your automobile. And your sister, she came to our mansion for help. But now, I'm afraid she desperately needs yours! Welcome to our humble abode... I regret you'l...
This Myst-style horror-adventure game will bring fear into your heart. From the very beginning you are exposed to an overwhelming but invisible ghost presence – strange calls, foot...
ENIGMA TECHNOLOGIES приглашает вас погрузиться в разум искусственного интеллекта. Плавно сочетая исследование от первого лица с механикой наведения и щелчка, совершенно уникальная...
Vanishing Grace is an atmospheric VR game set in a near-future where a solar storm has changed the life on planet earth. The people that survived the 1993 incident lives sheltered...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - The Contempt of Court is a fangame based on the Ace Attorney series. Created across eight years, the game features various four original cases in the...
Интеркосмос - это захватывающее мини-приключение астрономических масштабов - в виртуальной реальности! Приготовьтесь к волнующему игровому процессу, чтобы проверить своего внутренн...
The story of Twin Sector takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where the remains of mankind have been put to artificial sleep in cryogenic chambers deep under the contaminated s...
Короткая игра ужасов, в которой вы управляете крошечной подводной лодкой через океан крови на чужой луне.