Beneath a Steel Sky is a cyberpunk, point and click, adventure game. You assume te role of Robert Foster and embark on a quest to make the world a better place, along with your rob...
A downloadable mini game collection available for Mac and PC, which re-imagines the film of the same name. Several actors from the film reprise their roles here.
JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade: Haunted Island is a JumpStart game that was made by Knowledge Adventure on December 2, 1996. It was later re-released on November 24, 1997 with Map...
Build, defend your sanctum, gather resources and survive in this post apocalyptic simulated survivor
With over 50,000 units sold in it's first six weeks of release (on just one computer), King's Quest III was the best received software sequel of the year. As the game moves to othe...
Бен Там, Дэн Там! и время, джентльмены, пожалуйста! это пара захватывающих приключенческих игр укажи и щелкни. Держа язык за зубами, сядьте поудобнее, расслабьтесь и сосредоточьтес...
The Last Time - это приключенческая игра, которая сочетает в себе ретро-графику и игровую механику с современным нелинейным повествованием. Вы играете за Джека Гловера, отставного...
A Tale of Two Kingdoms - это графическое приключение в стиле классических игр Sierra. Действие происходит в мире кельтской мифологии и сказок, в нем есть множество побочных квестов...
The third game in the Israeli franchise of Hebrew adventure games. made by Gilliotine, one of the first ever Israeli based game companies.
Unlit is a short story based platform game. It has many hidden secrets and paths which come as you progress along with a beautiful side scrolling arcade gameplay. This game is f...
Tonight you're on a rescue mission, infiltrating a nightclub that was once a coffin factory. Will you succeed? Will you fail? Or will your night take an unexpected detour? Roll the...
The DS port of Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut offers the same experience as the Wii version. However, the game contains no spoken dialogue but only subti...
Afterdream is a 2D psychological horror adventure game. Navigate the obscure location populated by ghosts, and collect items to solve puzzles as you move further through the intri...
Lume is the prequel of the award-winning game Lumino City. The game is a puzzle-adventure with an unique art-style: The world in Lume is not made of polygons but completely with pa...
JumpStart Advanced Preschool is a game that was originally released in 2002, then titled Jumpstart Advanced Preschool. It has since been released alongside other JumpStart Advanced...
В далеком будущем люди исследуют и колонизируют космос, используя смехотворно смертоносные поезда размером с Луну - Астровозы. Они управляются огромными конкурирующими железнодорож...
The Freelance Police are back in a remastered version of their first season of episodic adventure games, lovingly updated by a small group of the original developers with the bless...
Приключения Фредди Фаркаса, фармацевта, жившего в Корусголде в 1800-х годах, куда он переехал, чтобы скрыть свое прошлое бывшего стрелка, который уволился, когда соперник отстрелил...
Войдите в виртуальный мир Under A Killing Moon, где сейчас декабрь 2042 года, и вы, как Текс Мерфи, должны остановить силы зла, прежде чем они уничтожат человечество и лишат вас сл...
It's a retro style point and click game.
King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones is a remake of King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne and a follow-up to AGD Interactive's (formerly Tierra Entertainment) earlier remake of th...
Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1 is a tribute to the golden era of adventure gaming. It is a point-and-click styled humoristic adventure game with old school graphics and...
The game's storyline starts with an ordinary 35-year-old man who watches a direct sales program on television. He orders a book that is said to make its readers popular among women...
JumpStart Advanced 2nd Grade is a game originally released in 2002. It has since then been re-released alongside other various JumpStart Advanced 2nd Grade products.
Тьма и пламя. Недостающие воспоминания - наслаждайтесь этой приключенческой игрой с квестами и скрытыми предметами, головоломками и мини-играми! Его инновационная сюжетная линия за...
A young woman finds herself alone in the streets of Paris, far from home and abandoned by the love of her life. In that moment, she decides to live for herself and seek her own pas...
The story of Phonopolis tackles relatable, real-world themes and topics, focusing on manipulation and individualism, but still keeping the overall experience playful and light-hear...
Jack Orlando is a point 'n click adventure game set in the 1930s where you play as detective Jack Orlando.