Tsukumogami is the original Japanese version of 99 Spirits, a RPG/Puzzle game that revolves around the popular Japanese folklore of Tsukumogami, everyday objects coming alive on th...
You are being hunted by the ancient witch Baba Yaga. Can you make the right decisions to survive? Or will spirits overtake the mansion?
Page information from rewritten results of google translate. A fantasy visual novel with an original story based on the three kingdoms setting, using familiar names in new ways....
A short, narrative game about a retired cowboy with a secret, made for #gaywesternjam.
Decide Althea's fate in dark Victorian London. Experience the story of an upper-class young woman whose family is falling apart along with her future and who is filled with diverse...
The year is 1482. The age of exploration and enlightenment is on the distant horizon and the Renaissance is in full swing across Europe; but in England, the War of the Roses is in...
An ambitious life sim about the parts of the immigrant experience everyone pretends to forget. Play as a group of four contemporary immigrant teenagers squatting in a World War II...
This game was created by one developer and two voice actors. It is a psychologist simulator taking place in 1925, before Hitler came to power. It is a game about resolving Hitler's...
Kumitantei: Old-School Slaughter is a tribute to retro anime and pop culture of 1980's Japan, underlined with a dark twist of horror and conspiracy! Primarily inspired by Rumiko Ta...
A visual novel with a cute mechanic: Slide the letters back and forth across the screen, to experience the time the letter is written, and when it is read. Follows the interactions...
Taking place in the city of Soshigaya in the 1970s, 13 kaiju monsters suddenly emerge from a tv as Japan is preparing for the next World Expo! Taiyo Kamen Icarus is entrusted to br...
In Yume, a girl went to the abandoned Dance Hall to record a program in a era of peace, but unfortunate thing happened. Through the deep reveal of obsolete items that can drive the...
A murder mystery puzzle game with visual novel elements in a Gothic, Lovecraftian world. Collect clues, solve puzzles, interrogate suspects, and uncover the mystery surrounding the...