A role-playing game featuring musical themes with an affinity for the sick and righteous. The story revolves around a deadly battle of the bands contest, where entrants can attack...
Enter this Arcade-RPG adventure incarnating the young thief Slade. Go through multiple places to loot in the Eastern Lands, visit special zones, face several bosses and discover va...
Long ago, an unknown figure took control of THE CAVE OF HYPE and put an end to PIRACY. Embark on a journey with our protagonist and deuteragonist, Pikachu and Dr. Andonuts respecti...
Knuckle Sandwich is a GBA-style RPG that combines fast-paced minigames with turn-based combat. The story is about a boy who moves out of home and starts looking for work in a new...
Surrounded by bright neons, filthy streets and even filthier techno beats, it is you who guard the entrance to the rave. Sharpen your wits and deliver lyrical smackdowns to those n...
Underdog Detective is a video-based playable, interactive story Set in the reign of Empress Wu Zetian of ancient China, you will play as a slum dweller in the imperial capital of L...
A weak and dumb adventurer, venturing into the world of Grimar, seeking for fame, lots of gold and power!
Reap souls by besting your foes in turn-based combat, then summon them to fight by your side! Arrange souls on a 3x3 grid for battle, or attach them to loot pieces to amplify their...
OPEN MIC is the free prologue to the upcoming Clam Man 2: Headliner - a combatless stand-up comedy RPG adventure where jokes are loot and the boss fights are comedy shows!
The timeline and everyone in it is under siege! Confront the Reptilian Rising in this 80's tabletop-styled game of squad tactics. Bring retro miniatures to life on battlefields acr...
Crystal Picnic is a lighthearted and colorful tribute to the classic era of action RPGs!
A comedy RPG where you play as 99 characters at once.
Conqueror 940 AD, a casual turn-based medieval town-builder where your decisions matter. As an ousted prince you stumble upon empty land to build a kingdom from. How you fare and w...
Here they are! The Mystery Teens! Solving crimes, running spooky errands, and diving deep into the most Mysterious of Unknowns where other, less Mysterious teenagers DARE not ventu...
Did you think this game was only about saving the world from an army of demons? No. This is a game about you. On the surface, it may be a new form of innovative experimental philos...
Welcome to UNDERTALE PATIENCE. In this RPG Fan-Prequel UNDERTALE, you control the first human who falls underground in the world of monsters. the fan-game was canceled unfortunate...
AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity is the anything-goes fantasy MMORPG. The game is growing under your Hero's feet as you play. Featuring weekly updates, 100+ Classes, 10,000+ weapons...
An absurd comedy turn-based RPG about wizards in a blood world.
Find out if you have what it takes to teach English in a foreign land as you live, laugh, and love each day in Japan! Experience what it’s like to live and work in the Japanese cit...
Spindle is an old-school zeldaesque action-adventure where you slip into the role of Death. But you won't be alone: A pig is your companion! Obviously. Because of reasons.
Попробуйте проложить свой путь через одну из самых жестко контролируемых диктатур в мире, с двумя симпатичными солдатами рядом с вами. Исследуя самые известные туристические достоп...
Empyreal Dawn is a Gothic Fantasy Adventure where you lead a party named Caeruleum. Together with your Swordsmaiden partner, Alice Starwell, undertake your first steps toward becom...
Get ready for a voxel art action game featuring an unprecedented level of freedom! A whole range of cute girl monsters are waiting to punch, kick, wrap you up, suck your blood, and...
You are a Dungeonborne, one of the brave adventurers sent by your guild to take on the Ever-Changing Dungeon! Can you survive? No, you can't. But it's lots of fun seeing how far yo...
A turn-based combat RPG following a llama traveling around the world trying to be a hero. Full of great itemization, crafting, story, hat collecting, and more.
The Adventures Of Team Australia is a role-playing game in which you take control of Australia's favourite* ex-PM as he leads a band of conservative warriors in an insurgency again...