Decades have passed and the Actress, Ella, returns to the abandoned theatre to uncover a preserved collection of extraordinary performances. Explore a variety of magical, hand-pain...
Start a dimension-jumping adventure with Quby! In a universe, dimensions are connected to each other. In the center of the passages lies Dimensional Core, keeping the balance betwe...
It's a platformer about magic and whacking things! What does that mean? It means you go around whacking enemies with your staff to get their magic! But ultimately, all you need to...
Double Cross - это расследование в стиле приключенческой игры, скрещенное с интенсивным экшн-платформером. Игроки также могут свободно настраивать стиль игры Захры, чтобы стать луч...
Pac-Land itself is split into trips. In each of these trips the objective is to get the fairy (that is kept under Pac-man's hat) to Fairyland and also to return home to Pac-Man's h...
Взрывной дань уважения платформерам эпохи SNES, смешанный с современными физическими головоломками, Explodemon - это беспредел в режиме нон-стоп, какого вы никогда раньше не видели...
Puzzles for Clef is a relaxing adventure game focused on the eponymous heroine. Following a letter from her sister, Cres, our bunny friend Clef journeys to the island of her ancest...
Baby Dino Adventures is a cute platformer game inspired by classic retro games. You play a lost baby T-Rex, and help him find his parents back. You won't kill anyone. But rather so...
In A Rose in the Twilight, use Rose’s power to absorb blood and transfer it to static objects. By doing so, colorless objects become red and regain the essence of time. You will al...
Испытайте чудо и магию одной из самых любимых видеоигр всех времен, которая теперь доступна с графикой Full HD, объемным звуком 7.1 и поддержкой стереоскопического 3D. Маленький м...
Ghost Blood is a first-person action game where you must fight the horrors of an abandoned graveyard to learn about ancient secrets and magic. Discover a rich world filled with cha...
Насильственная смерть милых созданий - это все, что нужно для спасения кучки несчастных тварей. Запускайте их по кругу, чтобы безопасно вывести с каждого уровня. Уклоняйтесь от сме...
Last Stitch Goodnight is a side scrolling action adventure that embraces a new mythology. After a near-death experience, you are kidnapped by a doctor who is experimenting on peopl...
Transformice - это многопользовательская игра, в которой вы - маленькая мышка, отправляющаяся за сыром и возвращающая сыр обратно в лунку. Игра включает в себя физический движок, п...
The last part of the first series of the Rex's Adventures. The heroes have fixed the story, but instead of going home, they ended up in the 19th century, where their time machine w...
Players will enjoy puzzling challenges like they've never seen before in this unique party game for the whole family. For the first time in an Action/Platformer, both characters mu...
A 1998 action/adventure game and the sequel to the original Parker Brothers game Montezuma's Revenge. While the original game was a 2D platform game, this is a 3D first-person puzz...
Type: Rider - это приключенческая игра-головоломка, которая выводит игровой опыт на совершенно новый дерзкий уровень.
World-Splitter” is a 2D² puzzle platformer, challenging you with multidimensional puzzles. You'll travel through wonderful and fantastic worlds that are beautifully animated and f...
Utterly unique and spellbindingly beautiful, PixelJunk Eden welcomes you to a psychedelic world unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. As a tiny, silk-spinning “grimp,” i...
Super Magbot is a precision platformer with no jumping! Players will have to traverse four distinct worlds with new mechanics and challenges unlocking along the way. Learn how to...
Viewfinder - это игра-головоломка, в которой вы можете изменить мир вокруг себя, делая снимки с помощью моментальной камеры.
Sumoman is an adventure puzzle platformer with advanced physics, destructible objects and the ability to reverse time. Solve various physical puzzles, trying to keep the unstable S...
Отправляйтесь в опасное путешествие, которое положило начало легендарным выходкам Натана Дрейка. Охотьтесь за потерянным сокровищем Эльдорадо с помощью отважной журналистки Елены Ф...
Announced as part of Sony's latest PlayLink E3 2018 Trailer Pre-order available. Melbits World, the new casual & family game for PlayStation 4 PlayLink, available in Xmas 2018. Co...
Project Utgardr is an adventure, parkour and puzzle solving game in an old and far land. Based on exploration and nordic mythology... This is a non-game and none is playing with it...
Ethan: Meteor Hunter mixes puzzles and platformers core action mechanics to a new level with an innovative, telekinetic mechanic: Ethan can pause time and move objects around in or...
Starseed Pilgrim - это игра-головоломка, в которой игрок добавляет блоки с разной пропорцией друг к другу, пытаясь пройти как можно дальше по мере исчезновения блоков.