This sci-fi themed platformer is the sequel to Laser Blast! Play as the advanced robot Atom Girl and progress through a platforming level, defeating enemy forces along the way. Des...
Ex Vitro is a dark sci-fi 2D platformer where you delve into the ruins of a military research facility and discover the horrors within. Whether machine, creature, or something else...
Lola's got a new song & outfit! Rack up over 1000 Kudos to hear Lola's new single Raison d'être and see her new Idol Mode outfit by using the Outfit Changer ability. The song has...
Ingression is an unforgiving & mind-bending precision platformer where you'll think and platform with seamless portals. Play as Rina, a thief living in the year 2442 in the corrupt...
This sci-fi themed platformer is the fourth in the Laser Blast! series. Play as the advanced robot Atom Girl and progress through a platforming level, defeating enemy forces along...
Zeal-X2 is a 2.5 D platformer in which you take on the role of Redscar. Here you can slash your way through enemies and make heads roll.
A 2d, sci-fi, metroidvania style shooter coming to PC and Nintendo Switch.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection contains thirteen previously released video games from the Arcade, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES, Sega Genesis, an...
SNIPERBOT: THE HYPE GAME is a retro styled, rhythm-based action platformer; It’s Mega Man meets Crypt of the NecroDancer. The player traverses through the cybertech world of Meta M...
The soul of a cinematic platformer with the heart of a sci-fi thriller, The Last Night is set in a post-cyberpunk world with a deep, vibrant vision of the future.
You finally got an internship in the intergalactic space station, congrats! Now you just need to survive on different planets, experience gravity inversion, and weightlessness, tal...
Jett Rider, the most unlikely hero stars in the biggest 2D adventure of the year. Save the planet Gravos, free its people, face the toughest bosses... And don't forget to recycle!...
Revolve is a Triggeractive Platformer. You play as Reevo, drone on wheels who is trying to escape a dystopian world. You can use speed boosts, brake, jump or switch gravity. But y...
To take root Among the Stars is a short narrative platformer. Play as Mei Hashimoto, one of the colonists send to an exoplanet to prepare it for the arrival of the rest of humanit...
Discover a vast alien world. Fight the ferocious local fauna and killer machines. Reveal its secrets and find a way to escape. The Mobius Machine is a side-scroller action platform...
Rewind time and manipulate gravity in order to solve parkour puzzles in this extremely difficult, yet exciting new 2D platformer.
Cosmos Bit is an old school metroidvania that will take you in an extraterrestrial world painted with the legendary Amstrad CPC's colour palette, reworked for modern devices. The g...
Sci-fi puzzle-platformer game. Find a clone gun, create your own clones and overcome deathly traps by destroying them!
Stealth games are awesome. Hiding from The Man, skulking in shadows, the thrill of infiltration. But why do they have to be so... slow? That was the question that spawned Stealth...