The story is set in the late Edo period. After the Black Ships arrived, the crackdown for anything foreign-related by the extremists have gotten worse, even within the Capital. One...
Sakura Amidst Chaos is an otome game by Voltage Inc. The story takes place in the Sengoku time period in ancient Japan. The characters are also based on famous warlords of the Seng...
It's the end of the Edo period. After being attacked, you ended up being saved by the famous Shisengumi warriors. Even if their hands have the strength to hold a sword, they can't...
Code: Realize ~Bouquet of Rainbows~, a collection of two out of three released Otome Visual Novel games, featuring Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ and Code: Realize ~Future Ble...
In Yume, a girl went to the abandoned Dance Hall to record a program in a era of peace, but unfortunate thing happened. Through the deep reveal of obsolete items that can drive the...
A battle adventure game for the Nintendo DS developed by Omega Force, known for the Musou/Warriors series, the game is based in the Battle of Sekigahara, where you play as Ishida M...
You, the heroine, finds yourself snatched from your snatched from your peaceful modern life suddendly and thrown into a different time (Along with your best friend, Kyo). Caught in...
A fandisc of Taishou Mebiusline. The FD features the after stories of Hiiragi Kyouichirou and the four other main characters: Misaki, Shigure, Senge Iori, Tatebayashi Kai. In addi...