“Eye Can See You” is an otome horror game that follows a girl with psychic abilities that allows her to see spirits. As she enters a new school, she finds spirits residing in her s...
A sequel to Otome game from PSP called Abunai Koi ☆ no Sousashitsu released for the PlayStation Vita.
Visual novel about a teenager who joins the the girl dominated school volunteer Christmas club to make up for causing trouble at an earlier event.
A life-risking journey to the Underworld.
Ken ga Kimi is Japanese legend ADV and is highly recommended since released at Japan. Ken ga Kimi: Momoyo Tsuzuri is the FD of the original game and it has 100 stories included.
Moonlight Lovers is a dating sim developed by Beemoov, where the plot focuses on a girl who inherited a manor from her parents upon her 18th birthday. She begins moving into the ma...
A visual novel about trainwrecks, trysts & treason. Roadtrip across the country to take down a tyrant. Befriend, torment, woo or wingman your party. Decide who you want to be. And...
Guide Elena Battista through her busy life, trying to balance career, family, and romance. She has 13 weeks to win Elio's heart, whilst also making decisions and solving catastroph...
Now included in the Story Jar app. “Who’s Guilty Alice... Are you talking about me?” When I open my eyes, I find myself standing in a defendant’s seat. At the moment I am about to...
Full voiced enhanced port of Kiniro no Corda 2. Included in the new content is a route for the character Fudou Shouma from the Kiniro no Corda mobile game Bannin no Kiniro no Corda...
A otome game for PlayStation Portable by Dramatic Create and Operetta.
The PlayStation3 version makes use of the graphical system in Hakuoki: Junsouroku. The sprites move when they talk. The new edition also includes new scenarios, chapter summaries,...
Kokoro, wasn't selected by anybody to be her partner as she performed poorly in all disciplines of Reaper study. As a result, she was grouped with other cadets that were falling be...
Trial version of the original Sakura no Uta project, included with the limited edition of Supreme Candy. The content contained in this trial does not reflect the content of the 201...
When she was seven years old, what Sorano Fuu (the protagonist) saw in her living room were the lifeless bodies of her beloved parents, who had died at the hands of an unknown culp...
Chouchou Jiken Rhapsodic is an otome visual novel with both romance and drama elements.
Otome visual novel developed by Ichicolumn Inc. for PS Vita.
Shinsouban Heart no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Wonder World~ is the 2nd remake of Heart no Kuni no Alice. Remade with Fujimaru Mamenosuke's art (Diamond artist). This game also had a...
A PC game otome game and part of the Dynamic Chord series.
Milky Way Prince: The Vampire Star is a visual novel about an abusive relationship, idealization, and intimacy. Live a summer of dysfunctional love through branching storylines, tw...