The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie is the tenth installment in the main Trails series, serving as a direct sequel to the events of the The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold S...
The Super Robot Wars-inspired Touhou Project crossover Gensou Shoujo Wars first launched on PC in 2010 and is now releasing on Nintendo Switch in 2021. The game, fusion of bullet...
Turn based MMORPG in China from 2003, based on a classic novel: journey to the west. Had its peak concurrent player number of 2.71 million around its 10th birthday.
A dungeon crawling role-playing game.
Find out who's the best card-battle player in Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004. Construct your monster cards, spell cards, trap cards, and special summon cards into thr...
The true tale behind the formation of the Anti-Valkyria Squad, aka the Vanargand. This event is a literary fragment that can be viewed from Bernard's 'Notebook' after completing C...
Версия Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, включая добавленный контент в Afternoon of Darkness и Disgaea PC, была выпущена для Nintendo Switch и PlayStation 4 9 октября 2018 года под назван...
Collect all the recovered supplies through a bombardment, a turbulent interception, and brilliant anti-tank sniper's eyes!
Nick Quest is a quirky, self-aware little RPG with a lot of character and heart. Packed with detailed maps, dangerous bosses, a great breadth of side quests, amazing dialogue, mult...
Pokemon Dark Rising is a GBA Rom Hack, using Pokemon Fire Red as its base. It was created by DarkRisingGirl in 2012. Pokemon Dark Rising includes many new features. Here are a few...
Assemble your team of heroes to fight deadly enemies across the Forgotten Realms
A 2000's VIPRPG game which begins as a parody of Dragon Quest 5, then slowly but surely flourishes into its own narrative spinning one of the most interwoven, complex, and hilariou...
Рубите, рубите и бросайтесь на силы тьмы. Штурмуйте замки и горные логова, чтобы освободить все в этой суперлегкой модернизации классической формулы roguelike! Будете ли вы играть...
Этот сборник содержит: - Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia (базовая игра) - Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's Blade (дополнение) - Heroes of Might...
Card Crawl - это игра в подземелье в стиле пасьянса, в которую играют колодой карт. Card Crawl - это оригинальная карточная игра-пасьянс, в которой вы сражаетесь с колодой карт. О...
Originally released in 2007 and 2010 on Japanese mobile game platforms, au BREW(R) and later docomo, it was re-released in Japan for iOS and Android in 2017. The game will be avai...
Эта новая адаптация настольной игры Talisman фокусируется на одиночной игре, когда вы проходите множество эпических квестов, используя полный набор правил пересмотренного 4-го изда...
An open world Pokemon Crystal ROM hack. Pick your starter, your region, customize your character, and then do whatever you want. You can collect all 16 badges, challenge the new E...
From the creators of Magic: The Gathering comes Magic Spellslingers, a brand-new collectible card battler. Unlock epic heroes to build unique decks and cast powerful spells. In Ma...
Continue the Costume Quest adventure by exploring the monster world, Repugia. Face new enemies while collecting additional quests, costumes, battle stamps and creepy treat cards. H...
A mod for Sonic Robo Blast 2 intended to recreate the experience of Persona 3
Select your character and explore all the levels. From dungeons to mines a passage through hell to freezing ice mountains, you will face lots of dangers to reach the final fortres...
Luminous Arc 3 (яп. Светящаяся дуга 3: Глаза) - ролевая видеоигра, разработанная imageepoch и изданная Marvelous Entertainment. В Luminous Arc 3 ведьмы прекратили свое существовани...
This waizhuan (side-story) to the third game in Xianjian Qixia Zhuan series is not directly connected to it story-wise, but graphically and gameplay-wise the two are nearly identic...
Pathos is a roguelike adventure game inspired by the rule set from Nethack. Choose from 13 classes and journey deep into the dungeon. Descend to hell to defeat your nemesis before...
Shattered Lands is the first in a series of computer role-playing games based in the highly acclaimed AD&D 2nd Edition DARK SUN game world. You begin the game as a gladiator about...
Классическое приключение Spiderweb Software о предательстве и битвах в древние времена вернулось! Перенеситесь в древнюю Британию, чтобы узнать историю о коварных врагах, жестоких...
Partially based on a little-known anime television series by Triangle Staff that aired in 1997. It is a fantasy role-playing game where the player takes the role of a mermaid tryin...