Galactic bounty hunter Samus Aran is sent to investigate planet Eris. The Federation research team's outpost has ceased transmissions. Upon receiving mission details, Samus is remi...
Ancient Chozo is an expansion of the original Game that contains the original Super Metroid Map layout with extra largest new rooms and areas locations, plus new routes to find. A...
Dreambreak is an adventure set in an alternative post cold war USSR. A quirky and unique mix of clashing gameplay genres. Get fingered for murder in Soviet Russia without actually...
Explore a world of psychological issues as the embodiment of the last thought of hope to enter a suicidal mind, a fast magic based first person shooter with a strong emphasis on de...
In Scary Monsters you are a hunk called Harry Johns who is trapped on a desolate island along with his girlfriend Conny. The fiend who trapped the two of you is the evil Dr. Graves...
ПОВТОРИТЬ! это игра о девушке, пытающейся найти другого человека в мрачном мире, наводненном биомашинами. Это одинокая и вызывающая воспоминания игра об исследовании неизвестного и...
A romhack of Super Mario 64 incorporating elements of beta content and urban legends surrounding the game to create a surreal, dream-like experience.
Toree 2 is the sequel to Toree 3D. A bite-sized 3D Platformer sequel with more focus on the things people enjoyed in the first game like fast gameplay, flow focused levels and cute...
Originally released as Halloween Harry, is a side-scrolling platform game developed by Interactive Binary Illusions and SubZero Software, and distributed by Apogee Software. The ga...
Ghosts 'n Goblins is a platform game where the player controls a knight, named Sir Arthur, who must defeat zombies, ogres, demons, cyclops, dragons and other monsters in order to r...
An illogical dream filled with sadness and charm.
Samus Returns again for her third adventure, but things aren’t quite the same this time around… Relive the amazing Super Metroid in a whole new light! Hyper Metroid is a complete...
A game about being a dog, playing fetch, and rescuing your best friend. Climb a cursed tower as quickly as you can, otherwise something terrible will happen. A challenging platf...
The Simpsons: Night of the Living - Treehouse of Horror is a platform game for the Game Boy Color. The game features seven side-scrolling levels in which the player controls the me...
Super Metroid Phazon is a full hack of Super Metroid. This hack has new rooms, items, enemies, and new graphics.
2D side scrolling, adventure, horror game where you avoid monsters and solve puzzles.
GunGirl2 is a freeware action platformer in the style of games like Metroid, Castlevania or Cave Story. But with blood… LOTS of blood. The undead start rising from their graves, h...
Lycanthorn is a game inspired by Castlevania, made in 3D! This short little game will take you through 8 levels of Vampire slaying action
Инферниум, нелинейный хоррор на выживание от первого лица. Погрузитесь во взаимосвязанный прекрасный портрет ада, умрите в тюрьме без решеток и преодолейте жестокое раскаяние. Мучи...
The Great Egg-Scape! Yolked is a kinetic, physics-based platforming romp where you take control of an anthropomorphic egg as it emancipates itself from one perilous predicament to...
Based on the great work of H.G. Wells, explore the English countryside and encounter iconic concepts such as Black Smoke, Red Weed and of course the almighty Fighting Machine and i...
Ice Metal is a Super Metroid hack that puts a great emphasise on exploration, rather then combat. There are some new power ups and tricks you need to master in order to beat the ga...
Magnetic: Cage Closed is a first person puzzle game where the player manipulates magnetic forces to accomplish their goals. The mechanics are focused around a single tool: The Magn...
Experience the creepy tension of a brothers Grimm fairy tale in this puzzle adventure game. Follow the young and brave Lars as he embarks on a dangerous journey to save his sisters...
This is minimalistic horror platformer about survival at snowy mountains. Follow the mysterious voice from the radio, fight your fears and reveal the truth!
Au-Delà is an indie horror puzzle game where the main objective is to find your parents. For this purpose, you will have to explore the entire house, collect information and items,...
This ROM hack of Super Metroid is a complete make over of planet Zebes level-design wise, very few rooms actually look like they used to be. The planet is a little bigger now, it s...
Dreaming Sarah is an adventure game where you explore the dream world of a young girl named Sarah, who is in a deep coma. Collect items and abilities as you solve puzzles, interact...