A new stage begins. The trip to a new city, meeting new friends and enjoying a good read. Yukiko manages to enter the prestigious Aoi Academy for young ladies and here she will mee...
Magical Warrior Diamond Heart is an in-progress otome visual novel created by Dreamy Pyon. This game is inspired by magical girl anime. Play as Valerie Amaranth and decide the fate...
A short, cozy, narrative-driven Halloween game about three friends reuniting to spend a stormy Halloween night together in a haunted house.
HuniePop - это симулятор знакомств для взрослых 2015 года выпуска / игра-головоломка матч-3, опубликованная и разработанная компанией HuniePot. Финансирование игры было собрано чер...
Известный симулятор гей-свиданий. Устройте милое, сексуальное или причудливо комедийное приключение с мужчиной по вашему выбору!
It often happens that lewd words are inadvertently made up in conversation, doesn't it? This game is probably the world's first adventure game where you will find such inadvertent...
Lust Campus is a multi-adventure graphic novel with an emphasis on eroticism and intimacy, with with a diverse cast of complex characters with whom you can connect and meet, and wh...