Mutant Night is an action game released by UPL in 1987. Players will control a mysterious character named Mutron-kun who will power up using various methods such as becoming a gian...
The Goonies II features two modes of play: platform and first-person. Most of the game is played as the former as the player works through a non-linear map. The player moves Mikey...
He's courageous! He's clever! He's one good lookin' opossum. It's Sparkster the Rocket Knight, the heroic jet pack jockey with warp speed, quick wits and pumped up personality. Aft...
Xardion tells the tale of 3 warring planets that are home to 3 distinct alien races. Their fighting is interrupted by the threat of invasion from a much more potent alien race. The...
Dick Tracy is a tie in to the 1990 movie adaptation of the classic comic strip, staring Warren Beatty and Madonna. While an action/adventure hybrid using this license was released...
Samus Returns again for her third adventure, but things aren’t quite the same this time around… Relive the amazing Super Metroid in a whole new light! Hyper Metroid is a complete...
In Fire Force, you kit yourself out with a military alter-ego, beginning with the rank of Ensign, and progressing through 12 increasingly difficult (and violent) missions, earning...
Если вы думали, что видели все это на видео-приключения, подождите, пока не увидите ЭКЗОЛОН. Отзывы об этой игре были единодушными: Sinclair User объявил ее Классической, Your Sinc...
Super Metroid Phazon is a full hack of Super Metroid. This hack has new rooms, items, enemies, and new graphics.
Gun Monkeys is a Procedurally–Generated, Physics-based, Online Deathmatch platform game from multi award-winning indie dev Size Five Games. In Gun Monkeys, you'll take charge of...
The monsters are attacking the quiet town of Xenobia. Guide Leo and Priscilla to wipe out the monsters using the Legendary Weapons.
Blast Brigade is a colorful 2D action-adventure that combines intense platformer gameplay with metroidvania exploration. Assemble the team of superspies and run’n’gun through a tai...
Following genetic experiments conducted by a group of scientists at the turn of the millennium, a biological explosion contaminated the genetic structure of life on Earth. Two attr...
An underwater nuclear research base has been invaded by a hostile craft. Captain Dawnrazer is sent in to wipe up the aliens and other beings, and that's where you come in. Deep Cor...
GunGirl2 is a freeware action platformer in the style of games like Metroid, Castlevania or Cave Story. But with blood… LOTS of blood. The undead start rising from their graves, h...
Jetpac Refuelled is the Xbox Live Arcade reworking of the classic 8 bit title Jetpac. The game was developed by Rare, who were responsible for the original game under their previou...
Judge Dredd is an action video game for the Super NES, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Game Gear and Game Boy originally released in 1995. The game is loosely based on the 1995 film Judge...
Battle online in a captivating four-player arena shooter with endless amounts of fun, Warshmallows! Take control of your favorite Warshmallow and hop, dash, loot and shoot to be th...
Glorkian Warrior: The Trials of Glork - это совместная работа известного художника комиксов Джеймса Кочалки и студии инди-игр Pixeljam. Это уникальный гибрид стрелялки в стиле Гала...
The Adventures of Captain Comic is a platformer featuring a huge nonlinear playfield divided into several different terrains. As Comic, you must search throughout Tambi for power u...
Jetpak: Solar Crisis is a remake of Jetpac for the ZX Spectrum.
Mega Man V was released on 1994 for the original Game Boy. While the previous four entries in Nintendo’s handheld recycled some content from the NES games, the fifth and final entr...
Metroid II DX is a mod that converts Metroid II to the Game Boy Color, now colorized. Not to be confused to the official Metroid II: Return of Samus DX, which was never released.
Совершенно новое приключение в мире Mecho Wars! Бегите и стреляйте по хаотичным уровням платформера, наполненным шипами, бездонными ямами и армией смертоносных роботов. Сделайте эт...
Быстро развивающийся 2D-шутер с боковой прокруткой, вдохновленный видеоиграми старой школы. Используйте широкий выбор инопланетного оружия, чтобы прорваться сквозь толпу врагов к с...
Duke Nukem 1+2 Remastered is only available as part of Evercade's Duke Nukem Collection 1, planned for release in November 2023. A new collection of the original Duke Nukem games...
Aliens: Alien 2 is an arcade platformer (or run'n'gun if you like) featuring Ripley on a planet infested with aliens. Armed with only a basic gun at first, she faces facehuggers th...
Astrozone is a fast paced 2d platformer, shoot down ghosts, for infinite rounds, play up to 4 people together.