Gord is a single-player, adventure-strategy game featuring developing societies, eerie forbidden lands, and remarkable mythical creatures. Complete quests and manage a populace who...
Released in 1987, War of the Dead is considered to be the first true survival horror game. SWAT officer Lila must rescue survivors in the demon-infested small town of Chaney’s Hill...
SKYHILL: Black Mist key features: - Non-linear exploration Carve your own way in a semi-open world of Skyhill condominium, but also within infrastructure buildings such as, school,...
Hinge is a VR horror that takes place in a nightmarish building filled with high-quality graphics and sound effects. The game creates an environment of suspense as you struggle for...
You will play an important role in the timeline of Aurai: Join the rebuilding efforts of old Sirocco refugee camp by providing the pitiable folks there a new place to call home, a...
Tales of Wild is a multi person online survival competitive online game. You can experience gathering, manufacturing, hunting, harvesting, building, researching, and you need to ch...
The Last from Mars is a VR game to be released for Playstation VR and Oculus platforms. It is a 3D first person shooter, and the objective is to survive each round of invading ali...
Driven by community suggestion, 505 Games and EKO Software introduce you to a new single player 3rd person view experience that allows you to re-play the zombie crafting adventure...
Nuclear war ended human civilization, but it could never uproot the evil within our hearts. Fight, trade, negotiate, raid– do whatever it takes to survive in the wasteland. You wil...
Answer to the Call of Mana and embark on a new adventure into a world beyond. Unlock new powerful abilities that will also help you on your journey on the main island.
Dead Event is a multiplayer open world class based survival game in which the player grows up as a creature. The creature will get bigger overtime and grow with interactions in-gam...
Shattered Skies raises open-world sandbox looter-shooter style games to the next level. Step into a massive experience set in a world where all hell has broken loose. A comet impa...
Shadows of Kurgansk is a single player horror survival title that transports players into a dark and hostile environment called “The Zone”, it challenges them to escape from the ha...
When Destiny calls for help, but no one answers, only four nerds can save the day. Armed with hand crafted weapons and bad jokes, can the four nerds survive, defeat three almighty...
In Host 714, you are going to live as Squid, a drug addicted hobo who was invited by a governmental organization, the Orange Institute, to join a drug addiction rehab center with e...
Infectonator : Survivors is a Randomized Permadeath Survival Simulator that combines RTS, Tower Defense, Roguelike, and Management-Simulation gameplay. The goal is to lead a group...
HordeCore is a kick-ass action side-scroller set in a post-apocalyptic world. Become the leader of an ever-expanding group of survivors. Manage supplies, upgrade your team, and cra...
Forever Forest is a unique blend of exploration, survival, action and role-playing, set in a beautiful, organic environment. You slip into the role of a friendly forest creature, w...
60 Parsecs! is an Atomic Space Age adventure of scavenge and survival. Keep your crew alive and ready for action. Make difficult choices, face soup shortages and other horrors of o...
In Fear the Night, you are a lone survivor in a world plagued with zombies. Team up with other survivors and work together to rebuild society from its ashes or choose to trust no o...
Боритесь со своими страхами в лоб в The Walking Dead Onslaught, официальной VR-игре сериала AMC «Ходячие мертвецы». Испытайте совершенно новую эксклюзивную историю TWD, защитите се...
Remember the epic 80's movie Conan the Barbarian? Now you can get your hands on several unique items from the movie along with many statues and figurines of its iconic characters.
A blizzard of devastating virus beleaguered the world, bringing about the catastrophic disintegration of orders and covenants. When the night falls, the world turned into a living...
StarMade is a 3D sandbox space shooter created by Robin schema Promesberger, founder of Schine. The game allows players to explore the vastness of space; building factories; creati...
UnReal World is a unique combination of roguelike roleplaying game and survival simulation set in the Far North long, long ago. Throughout the years, UnReal World has been praised...
After Reset RPG is an old-school hard sci-fi post-apocalyptic roleplaying game. An open world, developed with scientific accuracy and technical details. A nonlinear story with free...
Jagged Alliance is back - With a new take on turn-based tactics, adventure elements and the well-known quirky mercenaries! Use tactical brilliance and guerilla tactics to destroy t...