In the year 2110, in the city of Meggagrid, once known as Los Angeles, you meet Dr. Grubert, a very prominent inventor who has been crippled by an explosion perpetrated by a crime...
Wacko is an arcade game where the player is in the role of Kapt'n Krooz'r, a small, green alien. The game features a unique angled cabinet design and a combination of trackball and...
Timewell: Trail of Celestes is an old-school story-driven 3D space shooter RPG. As A.I. SAT-V, explore exotic planets and fight with Constructs in an ever-deepening plot. Change he...
A 1-on-1 3-D shoot-em'-up in which one or two players drive battlespheres (futuristic tanks) up an infinitely long road and destroy oncoming hazards. The action is very simplistic...
Gamp is an arcade-style fixed shooter primarily inspired by Space Invaders and Galaga, which was released in late 2016 for the Press Start to Play game jam.
A surreptitious video game rehash of the Death Star trench sequence from Star Wars, the player controls an X-Wing shaped aircraft firing at a TIE-Fighter (human or CPU controlled)....
Dolls Nest is a 3D action game where you control a mecha girl as she explores the gigantic factory world of Hod on her journey to uncover the truth. Hod, the world which you inhabi...
MetalCore is an NFT-based, open world, mechanized combat game. Fight alongside your faction in territorial battles on a mineral rich alien planet. Win vehicles and mechs, craft gea...
In this early 3D vector shooter by Kenta Cho (ABA), you pilot a space fighter battling increasingly challenging waves of enemy ships. The game uses flight-sim controls, multiple vi...
CroNix is a fast-paced, action-packed multiplayer PvP game set in battlefields of a post-apocalypse world.
If planets form, you must destroy orbiting moons before you can destroy the planet. The planet will become a Mad Planet when all the moons that orbit that planet are destroyed. Onc...
A Tempest inspired shoot'em up written by David Arthur Van Brink and published by Datamost for the Apple II.
After the great galactic war ends, the planet Blau and its citizens are oppressed and discriminated against by the victors. Former military chief Alois Gardona enacts a coup d'état...
A diagonally scrolling shoot 'em up by Vortex Software and Gremlin.
Asteroids Hyper 64 is an updated version of the classic arcade blast 'em up and features full 3D environments, all new weapons and defense systems and a 2 player split-screen mode....
The player must destroy the reactors on the island by dropping grenades on them. The reactors are defended by laser gun towers which can be temporarily disabled by disrupting their...
You are Frald Rancer and control a space ship which must journey from your home planet to outer space to defeat enemy invaders. Once all the enemies are defeated then return home....
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut features approximately 8 hours of director's commentaries and a 45 minute “Making Of” video. It also features an improved visual engine a...
Alone with your jetpack, you have flown from Finland across the Urals and the entire length of Asia to deliver a package to Genoq Biolabs in Singapore. You land on the building`s 8...
The enemy has built battle fortresses in the farthest reaches of space. There's only one way in... and one way out. Your Mission: To infiltrate the enemy's defenses and destroy the...
The collection has over 50 retro classics to experience across every genre; arcade action, shooters, beat’em ups, puzzlers, old favourites and hidden gems, with a raft of modern fe...
A third-person-action game with a special emphasis on aerial-combat. Players need to utilize grappling hook and acrobatics to fight enemies, solve puzzles to progress through each...
Before man climbed down from the trees to shop in megastores and drink cappuccino, before the Earth wadded itself into a cool blue ball, before the Moon even existed, there was the...
Flashout is back! Where high speed meets high stakes. Where unforgiving combat, loud electronic music and addictive boosts of adrenaline mix up to separate winners from losers. Whe...
A port of the Arcade version of Super Contra for the Xbox Live Arcade. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Contra, this newly updated version of Super Contra features enhanced grap...
This Bally Midway arcade game was ported to the Commodore 64.