The shadow of Frank Stone looms over Cedar Hills, a town forever altered by his violent past. As a group of young friends are about to discover, Stone’s blood-soaked legacy cuts de...
Dead Rising returns with modern graphics! More than just a remaster, this Deluxe Remaster is a full graphical overhaul of the first game in zombie-slaughtering action game series D...
Set after the events of the 1982 John Carpenter movie, The Thing: Remastered is a squad based 3rd person shooter, where each member of your team is equipped with a range of weapons...
Deathbound is a one-of-a-kind party-based soulslike set in a callous world where Faith and Science clash. The forbidden city of Akratya is an unforgiving land that cannot be conque...
World War Z: Aftermath — это лучший кооперативный зомби-шутер, основанный на блокбастере Paramount Pictures и следующая эволюция оригинального хита World War Z, который уже покорил...
Sorry We're Closed is a nostalgic single player survival horror game with rich lore and character interactions that allow multiple endings. Following the end days of Michelle, expl...