You are the all-seeing observer of a pair of roommates, Panchin and Julem. Panchin is an artist struggling with creative block, and thus spends most of their time pacing around the...
A retro-styled psychological-thriller visual novel with dark yuri themes, about an Osakan college student who stalks her love interest and bumps off any rivals who get in the way.
Dead of the brain is a horror-based Adventure Game created in 1992 that is played in a point-and-click format.
The Sleeping Sickness is an interactive short story that allows the player to guide the main character's actions. Each day, the player chooses where Grayson investigates. The play...
What if you were never truly in control? Play as Nadeshiko, a sweet doll who has been waiting to meet her new owner, Nicole. Explore your surroundings to learn more about the fami...
Deviant Anomalies is an adult visual novel and investigator simulator. It features High quality renders with fully animated lewd scenes and immersive gameplay. Solve baffling cases...
Urban Legend Hunters 2: Double is an immersive adventure game where you investigate urband legends in a modern city.
Home Safety Hotline is an analog horror inspired telephone operator simulator where you answer incoming callers' questions about what's inside their home. Read through a vast catal...
Действие происходит в 1956 году, Рейджи расследует серию странных преступлений, которые происходят вокруг женской академии, которая может быть причастна к убийству его жены. Кро...