Trapped inside a mysterious laboratory and unable to remember his past, Derrick Cole discovers his extraordinary powers, as he fights for survival against a determined military fac...
DYING: Reborn is a dark, horror-themed puzzle game that creates a unique first-person room escape experience. A mysterious fish-head nemesis, a grudge, a series of never-ending tri...
A live action adventure horror game from Nippon Ichi Software.
Shadow Warrior 3 выводит серию необычных шутеров от первого лица на новый уровень благодаря гармоничному сочетанию быстро развивающейся перестрелки, острого, как бритва, ближнего б...
Judas is an atmospheric psychological horror experience. Accidentally trapped in an apartment complex, you face dark paranormal events that push you to escape as fast as possible;...
“I didn't care about this ship… facility… whatever… Had to… Something, deep in my brain, deep in my flesh, boiled inside to remember…” In “Hollow,” you are one of the pilots tha...
Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where kids and parents alike come for entertainment and food as far as the eye can see! The main attraction is Freddy Fazb...
The Timeless Child is a 2-player puzzle-adventure coop game with first-person view. Start an exciting and engaging adventure, a tale about family, bonds and secrets. You will expl...
Dreadhalls - это сканер подземелий ужасов для Oculus Rift и Gear VR Вы проснетесь в едва освещенном подземелье. Найдите его выход и избегайте существ, которые в нем обитают. Вашим...
Alan Sharp is a First Person mystery horror story-driven video game, focused on exploration, survival, puzzles and open-world investigation. Get into the shoes of Alan Sharp, a pr...
You awaken to find the world in ruin, your heart beset with unexplained guilt. A cataclysm has destroyed the cities and empires of men and disfigured the spirit of humanity. In thi...
Battle For It All follows the story after a catastrophic disaster, The world and its economy suffered major causing riots, mayhem and destruction. A program was launched called BFI...
Paradox of Hope is an immersive single-player VR shooter with survival and horror elements. Explore mysterious metro mazes of post-apocalyptic Moscow, use stealth or combat approac...
A lo-fi game about photographing aliens so that your employers can turn them into toothpaste. Explore. Photograph. Catalog. Harvest.
A first-person immersive sim/action role-playing game set in the dark underbelly of the Dutch seaside resort of Noordwijk aan Zee. There is a high degree of interactivity, giving p...
Face unspeakable horrors. Succumb to madness. Welcome to a truly daemonic narrative experience inspired by H. P. Lovecraft.
Come along with Mortimer on a ghostly seek-and-find adventure! Hunt the halls of the Beckett family mansion in search of mysterious hidden objects and solve a series of brain-bend...
Dead Event is a multiplayer open world class based survival game in which the player grows up as a creature. The creature will get bigger overtime and grow with interactions in-gam...
Polaroid is a first-person horror game where a simple job turns into a horrific nightmare. Tasked with printing out pictures (taken with a Polaroid camera!) and placing them into...
It Came From the Desert is an action-adventure game that derives its inspiration from the many cult-horror B-Movies of the 50's and 60's, the 1954 film Them in particular. The play...
Welcome back to the new and improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! In Five Nights at Freddy's 2, the old and aging animatronics are joined by a new cast of characters. They are kid-frien...
This game will creep up your spine and get to your mind! Symptoms such as anxiety, increased heart rate and shivering will occur. This game is not for the sensitive type, but for t...
A year after the fire at Fazbear's Fright, a rich and creative inventor in England, only known as Fritz, has taken the role of continuing the animatronic pizzeria brand with his ow...
Повествовательная приключенческая игра от первого лица об исследовании культового комплекса в отдаленной пустыне Нью-Мексико. Узнайте о жизни бывших обитателей - что свело их вмест...
Dead Secret - это детектив ужасов от первого лица, действие которого разворачивается в сельской местности Канзаса в 1965 году. Профессор-затворник мертв, и вам предстоит раскрыть д...
Mama Rabbit returns home from work one late night. Awake long past his bedtime, a frightened Junior Rabbit rushes in. The book in his hands has very visibly spooked him, and Mama...
“Dispatcher” is a new first-person cooperative RPG-horror with erotic elements for PC. Its’ gameplay is based on cooperative actions. Be wary! Your friend may turn into your enemy...
It is said that when a person dies with a deep and burning grudge, a curse is born. When an average housewife in Nerima, Japan, was murdered in a grisly fashion, it gave rise to a...