An adventurer named Dusty returns home with an enchanted Totem Pole. Due to an assortment of rare events, the spirits of the Totem have been freed and they have created a bizarre p...
A colorful and fun puzzle game with inventive level design, filled with great ideas that bring joy and delight to any gamer that enjoys a challenge.
In The Shadows - это платформер-головоломка, в которой вы используете свет, чтобы отпугивать теневых существ, которые превращаются в повседневные предметы, которые вы можете исполь...
Отправьтесь на другую планету и откройте для себя ее секреты, чтобы вернуть к жизни своего любимого человека. Испытайте приключение, вдохновленное классикой старой школы, такой как...
Bubble Bobble Plus! это ремейк оригинальной Bubble Bobble, выпущенной для WiiWare.
Серия Pang - это любимая коллекция аркадных видеоигр начала 90-х. Ведите двух братьев на поиски по всему миру, чтобы спасти человечество от массового инопланетного вторжения!
Играйте за двух минотавров. Соедините свои экраны, чтобы помочь друг другу выбраться из лабиринта.
Welcome to the world of Ctrl CV, a find-the-image platformer puzzle game. You are surrounded by countless clones of yourself, and your goal is to find the source of these doppelgan...
The elephant forgot the rest of the levels, but luckily he still has one left! Help him beat it in all his metagaming glory. Use your keen knowledge of gaming and dexterity to manh...
Just when you thought you completed the level, it's going to happen all over again... master 30 new permutations of a brand new level from the minds of Tasselfoot and the programmi...
Manipulate light and darkness in this co-op puzzle platformer. Shadow Puppeteer combines platforming with puzzle-solving in a play of light and shadow. Having a truly Nordic yet or...
This is a 4 level DLC pack for the Rochard. These levels were created as a response to fans that found the original stages a bit too easy.
Space Ark is a fun arcade/puzzle game with a hint of retro arcade flavour; inspired by classic arcade games of the late 80s, such as Rainbow Island, Bubble Bobble and Arkanoid. Wi...
ABOUT THE GAME Koloro is a contemplative puzzle/platform game. Its story reveals a poetic world. The graphics and atmosphere are enhanced using contrasts, and bewitching sound eff...
Organic Panic is a physics based action puzzle platformer. Completely destructible levels, and dynamic reactive liquids! Play as the Organics take on the Meats & Cheese cronies! Ov...
This updated take on the original Lode Runner is essentially an entirely new game, but it keeps the core of Douglas Smith's original ideas intact.
Gelly Break is a Coop Jump & Run for the Nintendo SWITCH. The 3D comic style with an active camera provides a dynamic and varied gaming experience for both younger and older playe...
No scarecrow can navigate the intricate, physics based puzzles laid out across Bowkin County without a cool, capable player behind the wheel. Could that be you? Do you have the res...
Mario's Keep is a ROM hack/mod of Super Mario Bros. (NES). The game is a puzzle/maze, in which the player needs to find the floors and save the princess.
The N-Gage port of Tomb Raider is a 3D game closely modeled after 1997's Tomb Raider II on PlayStation. Rather than feature a side-scrolling perspective as in previous handheld eff...
Legend of Kay sets out to take the player on a journey which combines classic Jump and Run elements with an immersive story driven adventure.
Летайте и выживайте в фантастических, раскрашенных вручную мирах, наполненных оригинальными ловушками, головоломками и препятствиями! Станьте свидетелем отмеченного наградами мира...
Четыре элементаля притягиваются к Клаудии, когда она ищет своего пропавшего дядю! Отправляйтесь в путешествие, чтобы раскрыть тайну, стоящую за таинственными вратами Фей.
Monochroma is a cinematic puzzle platformer that takes place in an industrial-alchemical environment. It's about being a kid, having a younger brother, growing up, falling down and...
Помогите Клоноа спасти Фантомайл, землю, созданную мечтами ее обитателей и недавно осажденную неизвестным злом. Захватывающее дух путешествие Клоноа ведет его через ряд все более с...
Oco is a minimalist puzzle-platformer - featuring procedurally-generated music, a built-in editor, online community, and over 75,000 levels.
Helheim Hassle is a narrative adventure game with puzzle platforming elements. Play as Bjørn, a pacifist Viking that can detach and combine limbs at will to solve challenging puzzl...
Mickey Mouse III: Yume Fuusen is the third game in the Crazy Castle series, and became known in the West as Kid Klown in Night Mayor World.