Lead everyone's favorite gig worker Amal as they compete to become the chef's assistant at the notoriously prestigious bakery, La Patifferie. Go head to head against a motley crew...
A Game Boy port of Klax by Hudson Soft only released in Japan.
Released in Japan as Magical Drop III + Wonderful and in Europe simply as Magical Drop III, this version packages Magical Drop III: Yokubari Tokudaigou! with a console port of Magi...
A fully realised, asynchronous massively multiplayer game designed around the iPhone platform.
Neon World Maker is a platformer and game creation system. Players can design their own levels and maps using the editor and share with friends.
A compilation of previously Japan-exclusive SEGA AGES 2500 remakes.
FLIPULL is a puzzle game released by TAITO in 1989. Match up blocks with the same pattern within the time limit to eliminate them! Bring the number of blocks on each stage below th...
Catherine: Full Body is an enhanced remaster of the adult-oriented puzzle-platformer Catherine. Full Body features a new love interest, online multiplayer, new puzzle mechanics, ha...
Experience the epic journey of Nuna and Fox as they search for the source of an eternal blizzard that threatens the survival of everything they have ever known. Never Alone is an...
Connect the lines drawn on the panels to create and erase large and small loops in this new type of falling object puzzle. The player must create larger loops more quickly than his...
A tetris-style game to reveal sexy images. Rock Tris is heavily based on the 1991 Taiwan PC game X Rock.
Tetris Effect: Connected adds an all-new robust multiplayer expansion to the huge variety of addictive and innovative single-player modes that Tetris Effect is known for. Connect a...
UFO 50 is a collection of 50 single and multiplayer games from the creators of Spelunky, Downwell, Time Barons, Skorpulac, and Madhouse. Jump in and explore a variety of genres, fr...