Oddworld Adventures is a demake of Abe's Oddysee due to the Game Boy's limitations, and the game is massively shortened to just one area, the Paramonian Temple. A sequel was later...
Windowframe is a 2D puzzle platformer in which you can pin and adjusting the size of the window the game runs in. This is done by throwing a stake at it and then clicking and dragg...
The bats have taken their egg away from the nest and need their father Penguin to bring it back. Help Penguin bring his egg safely to his nest. Beware of enemies who will try...
Из студии, которая привезла вас в Долину Монументов, выходит история о том, как разбирать вещи на части и снова собирать себя воедино. Когда Мария, путешествующая по миру рестав...
The Teen Titans have another mission to accomplish in the Teen Titans One on One Game. Each of the villains that the Teen Titans have ever faced has come up with some evil plans. Y...
Кооперативная и однопользовательская аркадная игра. Красочный музыкальный опыт, предназначенный как для казуальных, так и для хардкорных игроков. Простые правила и увеличивающаяся...
Run, hit, switch, fall, love, plug, pull. And push.
When a wicked witch decides to rule the world with the power of her magic jewels, her terrifying plot leads her to kidnap elves, princesses, and even fairies. You're the brave warr...
Таинственный агент, способный стать цифровым призраком, пробирается на борт космической станции Накамура. Вот тут-то и начинается самое интересное: станция хорошо защищена с ее мощ...
In the quarter-muncher Fix-It Felix Jr., the thick-headed thug Wreck-It Ralph tries to destroy a building while the daring do-gooder Fix-It Felix repairs the damage with his magic...
Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax is a port of the PSP RPG/puzzle game mashup Half-Minute Hero, released on XBLA and PC. It also includes a new graphical style and an added m...
Now nothing more than a phantom, can the hero succeed in rescuing the kidnapped princesses?!
A side-scrolling adventure game that seamlessly blends RPG mechanics and puzzle solving, all set in a mysterious world rooted in Norse mythology. Inspired by games like Tower of th...
King Dedede has challenged Kirby and other members of Dream Land to an Avalanche Competition in the Dream Fountain. Kirby, taking on the challenge, has decided to battle his way th...
La-Mulana EX is an enhanced port of the PC remake for the PlayStation Vita. It adds a bestiary, reworks some item locations, rewords hints, changes puzzles slightly, moves hint tab...
“Love You to Bits” - это безумно милое, чисто визуальное, наполненное головоломками научно-фантастическое приключение, охватывающее всю вселенную. Вы будете следить за путешествие...
Управляйте 3 разными героями и используйте их уникальные способности для решения умопомрачительных головоломок, жертвуя своими товарищами по команде. Бросайте героев, как рыцарь, з...
Escape from Life Inc is a quirky platformer with a capturing story. (literally) You can switch between the three main characters: Bob, a walking fish, Ern, an eagle, and Rick, a st...
Trapped in an innocent 2D world trying to figure out what's going on by your own decisions! Prepare for one of the hardest and most frustrating game you've ever experienced. Play C...
Ruggnar is a platformer without enemies, but many traps are hidden in the darkness. Help Ruggnar explore gloomy places with his bag and a few candles as his sole equipment.
Smash enemies and traps to destroy them! A Touhou parody puzzle action game!
The Low Road is a point-and-click graphic adventure game which follows a team of corporate spies dedicated to the protection (and appropriation) of game-changing industry secrets.
Mangavania is an action platformer game with pixel art graphics. You play as Yuhiko, a young ninja who has gone to the underworld to find a cure for his brother.
Peace, Death! 2 is a midcore turn-based logic game where you send clients to Hell, Heaven, or Purgatory and help members of the Reapers Union as they work towards their great cause...
The Goonies is a 1986 platform game. The main theme for most of the game is a chiptune rendition of Cyndi Lauper's The Goonies 'R' Good Enough. The game was previously released on...
Travel to the edge of time and back in Luxor Adventures, a magnificent journey filled with hidden object and Match 3 enjoyment!
Message Quest - это крошечное приключение в стиле point-n-click с витражами о лени и ее герольде. Представьте себя совестью главного героя, той, которая должна заставлять его работ...