This additional content will portray the story of an alternative world where Goku has succumbed to his heart disease and where most of the earth defenders have fallen to the cyborg...
Mother 1+2 is a compilation of the first two installments of the Mother series, MOTHER and MOTHER 2: GIYGAS STRIKES BACK! (known outside Japan as EarthBound Beginnings and EarthBou...
Keylocker is a Cyberpunk turn based rhythm JRPG inspired by the Mario&Luigi RPG series and Chrono Trigger, in which you play as the singer and songwriter, BOBO. Fuel your moves wit...
This patch is geared towards fixing bugs and patching up script inconsistencies or censorship. The aim is to preserve the original translation while generally improving the game as...
Fallout: Yesterday is a fan-made recreation of the canceled Black Isle's Fallout 3 (Van Buren) on the engine of Fallout 2.
Assemble a limitless arsenal in this survive-em-up roguelite shooter. As a Gun Manufacturer's testing force, your mission is simple: test the latest gun tech and scavenge alien pla...
This is a bundle that includes the original Star Wars: Galaxies game, as well as its expansions Jump to Light Speed and Rage of the Wookies. It is the initial physical release sinc...
BoneCraft: Somewhere in Some Galaxy is the second game created by D-Dub Software. It is a follow-up to 2008’s Action Adventure Porno Video Game, BoneTown. A parody of everything s...
Twinsanity: Omicron is an RPG game which is based on the series Twinsanity The Animated Series. The Story Continues. Two days after defeating Time Shadow, Twinsanity is taking rest...
Join Space Alliance as a new captain-in-training and work with your crew to solve the mysteries of an ancient relic found on the Grey Planet. Little-Known Galaxy is a cozy single-p...
The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki - Farewell, O Zemuria is the thirteenth installment in the main Trails series, serving as a direct sequel to the events of The Legend of Heroes:...
EarthBound Beginnings is the first installment in the EarthBound / Mother series. It was developed by Ape Inc., Nintendo Tokyo R&D Products, and Pax Softnica, and was published by...
Extra Coin is a narrative side-scrolling thriller game mixing sports, set in a virtual social network called The Arcade, where the entire population has devoted their lives. It's a...
This is a machine girl themed air combat action role-playing game. In the world of Nornium, you can experience ARPG cosmic air combat and its Rougelike variants, manipulate the Tim...
Turn-based fantasy RPG that takes place in Lastia, the last piece of land on a world that survived a great war and is now facing a new threat: strange creatures named Xempts.
Space Rangers HD: A War Apart remasters and expands the world of the cult classic Space Rangers 2. The game is developed by the SNK-Games team in close cooperation with fans of the...
StarCrawlers Chimera is a first-person, turn-based, cyberpunk RPG. Customize your character skills and dive into the Chimera complex to find the elusive Dr. Cerberus. Are you a ste...
The Night Wanderer is a hybrid of RPG and soulslike genres, characterized by unique solutions and an innovative approach to tried-and-true mechanics. The game utilizes level design...
Starstruck: Hands of Time is a story-rich rhythm adventure game where you play guitar and abuse time travel! Control a giant hand destroying a miniature town, or play as the two gu...
Complete your tactical RPG Shadowrun collection from developer Harebrained Schemes with this definitive bundle which contains: Shadowrun Returns + Deluxe upgrade (includes Antholog...
Evercore Heroes is a unique, competitive PVE game where players compete to prove they are the world’s best team of heroes. Set in a rich, science fantasy world called Lumerea, the...
The Final Shape looms—a nightmarish calcification of reality into the Witness's twisted design. Embark on a perilous journey into the heart of the Traveler, rally the Vanguard, and...
Sky of Tides is a sci-fi narrative game set in a technologically advanced universe on the brink of war. Play as Rin, who must search for her missing father and heal the broken plan...
Minds Beneath Us is a story-rich Sci-Fi thriller adventure game set in a futuristic Asian city. In a society that has become fully automated with AI, you will be trapped into a bod...
Поздравляем, вы купили собственную планету! Аграрная скала на краю галактики, которую почему-то раздали чуть ли не бесплатно. Итак, пришло время оставить беспокойную и напряженную...
Exodus is an epic new sci-fi action-adventure RPG franchise developed by the team at Archetype Entertainment. The story is fueled by the consequences of player choices due to the i...
Evotinction is a third-person stealth game featuring unique hacking mechanics. The developers share an enormous passion for the stealth genre and wish to provide a complex and dyna...
Roleplaying on the edge of a system in crisis. You are an escaped android, with a malfunctioning body, a price on your head and no memory of your past. Get a ship, find a crew, and...