In the second installment of the Wrestle Angels series, the player chooses a female wrestler (from over twenty available ones) to participate in a fictional tournament. Like in the...
Mujintou Monogatari is a Strategy game, developed by Open Sesame and published by KSS, which was released in Japan in 1996.
A magical world populated by supernatural creatures exists alongside ours. Once in a while a portal between the two opens. Demons known as BEMs (big-eyed monsters) have stolen prec...
Totsugeki! Mix is a cute action platform game. Choosing one of the three girls, each with their own unique weapon, the player must travel through ten different stages fighting Galu...
Farland Story is the first in the row of successful Japanese strategy RPG games released in 1993. Farland Story consists entirely of battles (save cut scenes and the ability to sh...
Rance 4.1 and Rance 4.2 are two parts of the same storyline, and use the same mechanics and artstyle. Part of the game involves navigating the Happiness Pharmaceutical office and R...
SimEarth is a planet simulator - a model of a planet. It is a game, an educational toy, and an enjoyable tool. With SimEarth you can take over many included planets, or design and...
The second game released in the Police Quest franchise. It follows the adventures of Sonny Bonds after his recent promotion to the Homicide squad in the fictional town of Lytton, C...
The Planet Buster continues the story that was told in the first Brandish game, and depicts the events that happened three years after the evil demonic king was defeated in his los...
Asteka (アステカ) is an early graphical adventure game that was created by Tsuneyuki Miyamoto at Nihon Falcom. The title was initially released for the NEC PC-88 and was later port...
Princess Priscilla has been kidnapped and the player seems to be the only valliant hero willing to rescue the damsel in distress. This is the second text adventure with illustratin...
You break into the mansion of the late millionaire Cranston in order to steal sixteen treasures which are said to be hidden within its walls.
Power Dolls is a Strategy game, developed and published by Kogado Studio, which was released in Japan in 1994.
Tir-nan-óg: Descendants of Danaan is a role-playing game based on Irish mythology, more specifically the story of Tír na nÓg (the land of eternal youth) and the Tuatha Dé Danann (p...
Strategy game developed by Nexus Interact in 1994.
A Visual Novel based on Ugetsu Monogatari, a collection of nine supernatural tales by the Japanese author Ueda Akinari.
Super Skweek is a game inspired by the wide success of Chip's Challenge, and shares some elements of that puzzler while combining other elements from games such as Pengo. In Super...
AI pet simulation game, developed by ABA Inc.
A point and click adventure game for the PC and MSX based on the Ranma 1/2 series.
A sci-fi adventure game that is the fifth installment in System Sacom's Novel Ware franchise.
A young boy named Kouichi is in love with the most beautiful girl in his school, Ayumi Kawai. One day she admits that she also loves him, and they begin a relationship. The events...
First entry in the 4th Unit franchise. Yuusuke, a common boy back from school, finds a naked girl in the forest while searching for his hidden bike. She is amnesic and only remembe...
The 2nd game from the J.B. Harold series, which was originally released in 1987 on PC-9801 series.
Beast Lord is a strategy game developed and published by Hobby Japan.
Mahou no Princess Minky Momo Fantastic World is based on an anime of the same name. The game is a Japanese-style adventure with a very simple gameplay, making it similar to a visu...
Sword World PC is a role-playing game on PC-98, published on 1992. It is a game that aims to fully reproduce the system of the Sword World RPG, a table-talk RPG, on a computer.
Dual Targets is the 3rd entry in the 4th Unit series. Three months have passed since the destruction of the oceanic base of the criminal organization WWWF. One day, Blon-Win and A...
In spite of its title, the game has little to do with the famous movie Casablanca beyond a few loose references. It is a text adventure with graphics, in which the player types tex...