A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is a single-player horror adventure game inspired by the critically acclaimed blockbuster movie franchise that highlights a unique survivor story afte...
The Remains is a soon to be releasing mod for Steel Wool Studios' Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach. This mod restores every single scrapped mission, model, map, minigame, ET...
Experience the winner of over 300 Game of the Year awards now with an array of technical enhancements that make The Last of Us Part Il Remastered the definitive way to play Ellie a...
Cronos: The New Dawn is a pulse-pounding, third-person survival horror game that throws you into the heart of a deadly struggle against overwhelming foes, all while uncovering the...
Welcome to Safe Haven, the third add-on content pack for Alien: Isolation, featuring the all-new Salvage Mode. How long can you survive? You've found the only safe room on Seva...
Akolyta is a first-person horror adventure with a focus on storytelling. You will play as detective Marshall Gregory Prime and follow his journey towards justice in the City of Gor...
Time to re-experience this classic survival-horror game with Machine Learning upscaled backgrounds, seamless masks and many other small improvements in this all-in-one texture pack...
Set after the events of the 1982 John Carpenter movie, The Thing: Remastered is a squad based 3rd person shooter, where each member of your team is equipped with a range of weapons...
The first entry in the D series and one of the first games released by the company, it dealt with taboo content such as violence and cannibalism, featured 3D CGI full-motion video...
The Silent Hill Collection is a bundle which was released on Silent Hill movie world premiere's day. It includes three games: Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 and Silent Hill 4: The Ro...
Agony Unrated is a first-person, survival horror set in hell. You will begin your journey as a tormented soul within the depths of hell without any memories about your past. The sp...
School 666 is a 1-4 Player Co-op Survival Horror. You must escape this endless nightmare. Try to identify the correct path and survive the anomalies in this endless school. Some ex...