Play a series of small games of multiple genres, each with a unique playstyle and visuals! Defeat skeletons, play cards, ride a train or fight aerial combat in this collection of i...
Match Three: Pirates! Heir to Davy Jones: Davy Jones created a world where no-one gets old and unsuspecting people are tricked into entering Davy Jones’ Locker. Journey through the...
Discover the brand-new Ticket to Ride map, the United Kingdom, and the addition of a new game mechanic, technology! Relive the history of the railway!
Discover Germany at the turn of the century with this new map! Dash through the German landscape with an entirely new vertical map! With routes requiring as many as 7 train cars to...
How 2 Escape is an escape-simulation game where two players will need to cooperate on asymmetrical gameplay and devices. Talk together. Help each other. will be your new motto to s...
Experience the excitement of Fortune Avenue, a 3D monopoly game reimagined. Travel via airport, avoid melting ice floes, and spin the Wheel of Fortune. Vote on new game-changing ru...
Create Your Own Party! Combine numerous characters and cards to create your own party. You can freely mix and match them to create the optimal team, and the tactics and play style...
The cross-country train-adventure game is on its way! It's a fresh take on the iconic board game in stunning 3D. Play with friends, family and players of all ages around the world....