Archaic Sealed Heat, a visually stunning strategy RPG for the Nintendo DS developed by Hironobu Sakaguchi's studio Mistwalker. An ESRB rating was filed, and an English voice actor...
A continuation of the Arc the Lad series designed for mobile devices. The game takes place 10 years after events in Arc the Lad II. The game has only been announced for Japan.
A new entry in the Vandal Hearts series, Flames of Judgement follows the story of young orphan Tobias Martin as he bands together with his schoolmates to help defend his homeland a...
Pokémon Quantum is a fan made Pokémon game. It is not a ROM hack, but rather a game made in RPG Maker XP. Are you prepared to see what it's like to live among the microscopical? A...
Ночь полнолуния - это игра для создания колоды, основанная на сказке о Красной Шапочке. Вы играете за саму Ред, сражаетесь с монстрами с помощью карт, чтобы спасти свою любимую баб...
Empire General Radi Jaeger disappeared with the end of the Gaul front. Another episode of the end of the war, where Jaeger's own perspective tells what he thought and where he disa...
Pokémon and the Last Wish is a fan made Pokémon game. It is not a ROM hack, but rather a game made in RPG Maker XP, using the Pokemon Essentials kit. Every 1000 years a comet appe...
La Pucelle: Ragnarok is a Tactical RPG game published by Nippon Ichi, released in Japan only on November 26, 2009 for the Sony PlayStation Portable. It’s the same game as the PS2 v...
This Warband adds the Undead, with 7 new unit types and a fully playable campaign featuring unique Dramatis Personae, Katherina von Dernsbach. On the borders of the Empire, beneath...
Знакомые истории могут принимать незнакомые повороты! И это зависит от вас, чтобы реконструировать историю!
Bombardment from the sky and hunters on the ground in the dark of night in this difficult vehicle escort mission!
Вернитесь к региону Синно и истории игры Pokémon Pearl Version Окунитесь в ностальгическую историю из игры Pokémon Pearl Version в переосмысленном приключении Pokémon Shining Pearl...
Select your character and explore all the levels. From dungeons to mines a passage through hell to freezing ice mountains, you will face lots of dangers to reach the final fortres...
Master of Magic is a combination of an RPG and a strategy game, a remake of a classic from the 90s. In Master of Magic you take up the role of one of 14 unique and diverse great w...
The Way of Wrath is a story-driven turn-based tactical RPG set in an ancient world governed by shamanistic laws. You explore the beautifully handcrafted landscape, rebuild defences...
Welkin Gunter, the hero of the Gaul rescue, Dahow, the man who knows the battlefield. They clashed and fight in one phase of the Gaul front. An episode depicting the battle between...
Sequel to Gaia's Melody: Echoed Melodies. Echoed Memories is a dark psychological love story, with character development, understanding and acceptance at its core. It holds a balan...
An RPG title featuring masterfully crafted audio and visuals along with a massive volume of story to boot. With over 30 characters each with unique skills and abilities, you can mi...
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age for Game Boy Advance is a turn-based tactics game released in 2004. The game consists of 2 campaigns (Good and Evil). In each campaign the play...
Yo-kai Watch centers on a boy who gets a special watch that lets him befriend and help mischievous Yo-kai and later summon them to fight other Yo-kai. Players can overcome challeng...
Bahamut Lagoon combines RPG mechanics with squad-based combat. Characters have HP, MP (SP for fighter characters), EXP, equipment, stats and class-specific, SP-draining special ele...
Dark Quest is a turn based fantasy role playing adventure game where players assume the role of a mighty barbarian on his epic quest to destroy the forces of the evil sorcerer and...
This Hired Sword is a new Hero-type unit that can be recruited to further customize your roster. The Smuggler is available for the Mercenaries and the Sisters of Sigmar Warbands....
A full-scale Strategy RPG shown at an isometric view! Your aim is to change the course of history. Utilize a number of different classes and skills to crush your enemies! Story Ix...
Selvaria uses the power of Valkyria in the Naggiar Battle on the Gaul front. Audrey Tautou's Gaul troops witness the power of myth. An episode from an imperial perspective with Sel...
Untold Legends, the first DLC of Daedalic Entertainment's successful turn-based strategy RPG Blackguards, continues the main story line with seven new exciting quests.