Когда вы просыпаетесь, вы оказываетесь в особняке, где раньше был секретный исследовательский центр, теперь это лабиринт, полный ужасных зомби и смертельных ловушек. Вам придется с...
Three years ago, shortly after the crowning and subsequent retirement of Champion Brendan, Hoenn was battered by an enormous number of meteors. This disaster, known as the Hoenn Ca...
Kaiketsu! Nekoashi Otome-chan is a Towelket spin-off. Has arguably the silliest plot in the series and a manzai stand-up comedy subsection with 15 skits. However, it's still a game...
Ib is a remake of the original 2D exploration adventure game, featuring new puzzles and graphics, a new soundtrack, many improvements, and more.
Blow up enemies in your way! Kick fairies for good measure! Blast away massive hordes of enemies in this Touhou parody shooting RPG!
Community Pom is a 1997 action RPG/simulation game for the PlayStation, developed and published by Fill in Cafe (best known for the Asuka 120% and Kendo Rage/Makeruna! Makendou ser...
You've just inherited Cascade Manor from your eccentric aunt, but not only is it in a dismal condition, you have only 30 days to pay off the loan your aunt took out shortly before...
Play as Hololive's ace detective Amelia WATson as she investigates the kingdom of Chicago in search of mythical creatures.
Nodrog's Fortress is a Tactics-like Turn-Based and Real-Time Battler that features elements of Chess and American Football in a JRPG inspired package. Choose your Archmage, compani...
The version of Willow released for the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Famicom is an adventure game in the vein of The Legend of Zelda. The game has the player taking on the...
Welcome to a strange and beautiful world where evil characters, bizarre creatures, and magical spells lurk in the darkness. Locke D Averam is Revenant, a resurrected warrior from a...
Prove your worth in the crucible of Kazuwari, where the arena's masters and their worshipers exalt the victorious and delight in the blood forfeited by the defeated. Something corr...
Nox Archaist is a brand-new Ultima-style CRPG from 6502 Workshop, endorsed by Richard Garriott. For Windows, MacOS, and original Apple II hardware, available as a Digital Download...
Pokémon Shattered Light is a fan made Pokémon game. It is not a ROM Hack, but rather a game made in RPG Maker XP, using the Pokemon Essentials kit.
Рогелитовый лабиринт, расположенный сбоку от звезды. Уклоняйтесь от великолепных волн пуль, добывайте оружие и апгрейды, побеждайте Надзирателя и спасайте... Родни?
Fairune 2 - это фэнтезийная приключенческая RPG с решением головоломок, в которой вы исследуете карту, решая головоломки, выполняя трюки и побеждая монстров. Вас призывает таинств...
The remake version for iOS and Android is based upon the Final Fantasy IV remake made of Final Fantasy IV on the DS, but the The After Years version is a refined version of the ori...
A remake of the game Turtle Head (Originially by Pikasprey) created by Team Meatpie.
A doujin game by Aqua Style based on the Touhou Project series.
Puzzle Wizards is a cozy co-op puzzle MMO from the creators of Puzzle Pirates (2003). Create your wizard and join a magical world of puzzling wizardry! Harvest, craft and battle by...
A graphic real-time adventure, exhaustively researched for authenticity! Journey back over 3,000 years to participate in this authentic drama accurately recreating the ancient Egyp...
Игра-симулятор жизни, предназначенная для тех, кто вырос с Harvest Moon.
This game is an RPG in which you learn Japanese using romaji characters i.e. English letters. It is set in the 1800's and is an epic adventure that will teach you about Japanese h...
Are you ready to become a game developer? Create the RPG you always dreamed of with RPG Maker Fes! RPG Maker Fes is a game creation software that lets you create your own RPGs, a...
A thousand years ago, a great battle ensued between two dragons, one gold and the other silver, where they were sealed away. However, the real tale begins many centuries later afte...
Люди живут бок о бок с существами, у каждого из которых разные личности, способности и моральные кодексы. Изобретение DiskID изменило жизнь каждого. Люди могут копировать существ и...
Dozens Islands of Paradise For Some it's A Blessing For Others... It's A Curse.
Captain Velvet Meteor: The Jump+ Dimensions is a Tactical Adventure game. Our gameplay is divided between free-roaming exploration segments and strategic battles with light puzzle...