An FMV adventure based on the eponymous light novel series by Aya Nishitani (the mind behind the Digital Devil Story novels, the basis of the Megami Tensei series). This horror-de...
Opus: The Day We Found Earth is a stargazing experience handcrafted for people who enjoy story driven games and arguing about Pluto. After eons of spreading across the cosmos, huma...
The game is a murder mystery visual novel with a heavy story focus that requires multiple playthroughs to figure out and involves puzzle rooms used to progress through the story wi...
Побочная история к Лабиринту Грисайи, эта игра исследует прошлое главного героя Казами Юдзи, сосредоточив внимание на его жизни с Кусакабэ Асако, агентом CIRS, которая спасла его в...
Memories Off: Pure is a prequel to Memories Off. The events of the game take place three years before those of the previous game, when the protagonist Tomoya Mikami was still atten...
An Otomate and Idea Factory visual novel for the PlayStation Portable
Death Connection is a visual novel by Otomate for PlayStation 2.
Clover no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World is the second installment in the Heart no Kuni no Alice series and the direct sequel to Heart no Kuni no Alice. It was originally re...
Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou is a “wandering adventure” game for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable, published by Namco Bandai Games. It was released as a tie-in to The Disap...
Молодая старшеклассница отправляется в приключение, чтобы спасти своего любимого виртуального кумира Айко от неисправности, и получает помощь из самых неожиданных мест.
Take care of your own island. Summer in Mara is a single-player summer adventure, with an easy-RPG system and exploration elements. The spirit of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker a...
Shinsouban Heart no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Wonder World~ is the 2nd remake of Heart no Kuni no Alice. Remade with Fujimaru Mamenosuke's art (Diamond artist). This game also had a...
The third game in the Spirit Hunter series. The story is set in a suburb of H City in Tokyo and revolves around Konoehara Academy, a school where gruesome events occur every ten y...
Chouchou Jiken Rhapsodic is an otome visual novel with both romance and drama elements.
A PC game otome game and part of the Dynamic Chord series.
Continuation of Shinigami Kagyou: Kaidan Romance.
A otome game for PlayStation Portable by Dramatic Create and Operetta.
Ремейк оригинального Steins; Gate, который заменяет иллюстрации из предыдущих выпусков переработанными кадрами FMV из аниме-адаптации Steins; Gate.
An Urusei Yatsura adventure game for the TurboGrafx CD.
Set in Gunjo Gakuin, a school specialized for those deemed by the government to be unfit for society, Cross Channel follows the story of eight members of the school's Broadcasting...
Короткое приключение с предвзятостью к СМИ, в котором вы контролируете национальные новости и их влияние на вашу карьеру, общество и семью. Контролируйте новости, контролируйте Пра...
HER TEARS WERE MY LIGHT is a short love story about time and space. as time, you can move forward, backward, or warp to any moment you create a save point for. can you use that pow...