Battle For It All follows the story after a catastrophic disaster, The world and its economy suffered major causing riots, mayhem and destruction. A program was launched called BFI...
One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind Stellaris: Humanoids Species Pack features a selection of new portraits and ship models for players who wish to forge their path...
Bridge Builder is a puzzle video game series, created by US-based indie developer Alex Austin. Bridge Builder being the first in the series, it was followed by four sequels in diff...
Carrier Command 2 is Strategy, Planning and Teamwork on a scale that is both engaging and manageable. True to MicroProse's heritage and the debut title of the development company G...
Cast off! Cosmonautica is a fresh take on space trading in a procedurally generated universe, paired with quirky humor for your intergalactic enjoyment. Are you ready for some hila...
Gratuitous Tank Battles (GTB) is a unique hybrid of tower-defense, strategy, simulation and RTS. Set in an alternate history timeline where World War I never ends, you are the comm...
Bringing a unique twist to the classic gameplay of the cult board game, engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked ships and debr...
Voidship: The Long Journey is a 2D top-down space combat/strategy game. You are the captain of a modular spaceship entrusted with a mission which might take centuries to complet...
Aliens have invaded Langley Falls! Stan's family is being held hostage and the fate of the world is in your hands. It's time to take charge of the Smith family household, gather an...
Raging through the final two seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the Dominion War pitted an alliance of the Federation and Klingons against the Cardassians and invading Dominion...
The Lithoids Species Pack features a selection of new rock-based species portraits and ship models for players who take nothing for granite and are looking to unearth a more ground...
В SPAZ 2 вы должны выжить в развивающейся постапокалиптической Галактике. Угроза зомби побеждена, инфраструктура разрушена, топлива не хватает, а сбор мусора означает выживание. Из...
The Wandering Village is a city-building simulation game with survival and rogue-like elements. Build a village on the back of a giant, wandering creature, farm crops and forage re...
Starfleet Command III is a 3D tactical starship combat game, set in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The single-player campaign arcs are playable as Federation, Klin...
Necromunda: Underhive Wars is a turn-based tactical RPG. Rival gangs of ruthless warriors are locked in an endless war for control of the Underhive, a gigantic warren of derelict f...
X3: Farnham's Legacy is a new game in the X3 space game series. TRADE, FIGHT, BUILD, THINK in a living and breathing universe. It incorporates a new storyline and yet more addition...
Hacker.exe is an atmospheric Survival Horror/Strategy/Simulation that puts you on the shoes of a hacker. Hacker.exe is a twist on the take of an exe game, adding a more unique myst...
The story has the solar system under threat from Myon invaders. MAT (Mission: Alien Termination) is a teenager implanted with all the combined tactical skills of the planetary lead...
Star Fox Command lets you hop into your fight through a unique branching storyline of missions, all rendered in gorgeous 3-D. This game brings a whole new strategic element to the...
Sci-Fantasy Defence is a combination of RTS and FPS (VR optional). Use advanced technologies to extract resources, construct buildings and craft weapons. Use magic items from dark...
Alpha Storm is a spaceship simulator and a first person shooter. You can travel through star systems. Encounter enemy fleets and battle them with the ship's weapons/devices, or by...
Season One: Landfall is the initial Bot Colony core game featuring the Intruder and Arrival playable episodes, in addition to the pre-order and first access to Riot, this season’s...
Robot Alchemic Driver is a Big Robot/Monster fight in a modern city with a twist. There is a story and training mode and a 2 player vs. mode. In a nut shell, alien's attack the las...
Asymmetric space empire builder where you feel like the Emperor, not a logistics officer. No micromanagement, grand scale, fast paced, audiences, assassins, imperial court, disloya...
Plantoids is the first DLC package for Stellaris, Paradox Development Studio’s science fiction grand strategy game. It is the first Species Pack, introducing a new phenotype for pl...
A follow-up to Xenonauts that takes place in an alternative timeline.
В Стелларис: Левиафаны галактика вновь наполнится приключениями и вызовами, поскольку ваша новая и наивная космическая империя столкнется лицом к лицу и корабль к кораблю с множест...
A single-player space battleship simulator with slow, tense 3d battles and complex, realistic weapons. Manage and upgrade your ship, or capture something better. Play a campaign de...