Echo Night is a mystery adventure video game developed by From Software. The story revolves around Richard Osmond and his journey to find out what happened to the ship Orpheus, whi...
“Dispatcher” is a new first-person cooperative RPG-horror with erotic elements for PC. Its’ gameplay is based on cooperative actions. Be wary! Your friend may turn into your enemy...
In the future (2066) a genetic experiment (Project Firestart) onboard the Prometheus to get strong durable miners went wrong. Your job is to go onboard the Prometheus (which has be...
'Fading Embers' is the third installment in This War of Mine: Stories. The expansion features a narrative-driven scenario that portrays the story of Anja. Living in a warzone and c...
Koudelka is the precursor (prequel) to Sacnoth's Shadow Hearts series. Shadow Hearts takes place in the Koudelka universe and features various locales and characters from Sacnoth's...
In Arizona Sunshine - The Damned DLC, fans of the franchise get to discover a brand-new chapter preceding the Arizona Sunshine story so far, crawl into the skin of an all-new prota...
White Shadows is a modern fable about escaping a dark, weird and violent world. A long time has passed since The Great War. Humanity is half human, half animal. What remains of civ...
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark is a survival horror video game developed by Horrorsoft and released by Accolade in 1990 for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64 and MS-DOS computers. It...
A collection of short horror games by 10 different creators, all made in 7 days. Includes: Carthanc (Scythe Dev Team) Don't Go Out (Secret Cow Level) Hand of Doom (Torple Dook) Mr...
A VR survival horror roguelike. Trapped in a dying spaceship filled with horrors, you must explore, survive, and find your way back to the safety of Earth. Cosmodread features a ri...
CastleMiner Z is an infinite world filled with deep places to explore, and horrifying monsters to slay. Build structures out of blocks, craft weapons and tools from raw materials,...
Dead Static Drive is a horror survival adventure. You're on the road. The world begins to fall apart in front of you. Your friendships will make every bit of difference as order co...
Experience the early days of the outbreak in Resident Evil Origins Collection, a compilation package of two with two Resident Evil origin stories: Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil...
Сможете ли вы пережить эксперимент? Тема - научно-фантастическая хоррор-игра от DarkStone Digital. Играйте за заключенного, проданного в испытательный центр в глубоком космосе. Пер...
Shadows of Kurgansk is a single player horror survival title that transports players into a dark and hostile environment called “The Zone”, it challenges them to escape from the ha...
The Persistence - это стелс-хоррор от первого лица эксклюзивно для PS4 и PSVR. The Persistence генерируется процедурно. Каждый раз, когда вы умираете и нового персонажа пробужда...
Insomnis is a first-person horror game focused on story, exploration and solving puzzles to advance through a terrifying atmosphere. Players take control of Joe Castevet, who will...
Dreams in the Witch House is an open world horror adventure game, where you guide Walter Gilman, as he prepares to face the dreaded May-Eve witch ritual in the legend-haunted city...
The Super Famicom classic, Clock Tower, is getting remastered for modern consoles. This remaster is a collaboration effort between Capcom, Sunsoft, WayForward, and Limited Run. Th...
One Shell Straight to Hell is a top-down roguelite shooter with base defense elements starring the unordinary priest and bad-ass demon hunter Padre Alexander.
Наркоз - это захватывающая история выживания, действие которой разворачивается во враждебных глубинах Тихого океана. Оказавшийся на мели после несчастного случая промышленный дайве...
In a sinful city, a mysterious assassination organization was born. Whether this organization is just or evil, adventure is waiting for you.
Eternal Blood is a fast-paced shooter that places you in an arena to face legions of demons. Armed with dark magic and a fluid movement system, fight to survive alone or with a fri...
Immerse yourself on an epic journey through the ravaged dinosaur research facility steep in Pyrenean mountains. You will need to fight, hide, run and strategize to keep history’s m...
This version of Silent Hill 3 is a remaster included in the Silent Hill HD Collection. The graphics have been re-mastered to 720p, the in-game voice-over was updated along with a r...
You've relied on your eyes since birth, how will you survive without them? Can YOU rise up to the challenge? You've never had to be without your eyes before... Enjoy a new ex...
Spirit Detective is a realistic Oriental culture, 1V5 asymmetric competitive game launched by QL Studio. The game is based on the all-embracing traditional Oriental culture and des...
Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir introduces a mysterious girl named Maya who has been hiding in the shadows of an old house. Players must help Maya break free from a terrifying cur...