The sequel to the classic Grand Fantasia Online, a 3D adventure MMORPG full of love and friendship, with unique warm and cute sprite pets and a hilarious plot, in a fantasy world f...
Fractured Online is the first open-world sandbox MMORPG mixing action combat with fully interactable environments and grind-free progression. Gather resources, craft, trade and ven...
Salem is a fully open sandbox MMO with deep crafting elements. The game features permadeath as one of its main ingredients, along with an in-depth character development system with...
This fully text-based roleplaying game takes place in the realistic-fantasy world of Iridine, The Eternal City inspired by Roman history. TEC is wholly immersive and well-worth the...
Nord was free to play game playable directly in your browser. The game was cancelled in 2013. The game is set in a rich 3D environment with a wide range of landscapes such as fore...
Wars of Prasia is a large scale real-time PvPvE game focused on siege warfare for control over territory and resources. The game started development with the idea of regular playe...
Have you ever dreamed of being a blacksmith? An alchemist? Or even a mercenary? Then you have come to the right place. Other-Life is a community based game that allows you to affe...
The Bloodline Chronicles is the first Adventure Pack for EverQuest II. It introduced new areas, new items and new monsters. Five new areas, including the Tombs of Night, the Cry...
International version of a Korean MMORPG which was released into public beta on May 28, 2008. It uses a cash shop system, and it's key selling points include township battles and i...
Shadowbane was a free fantasy role-playing video game (MMORPG) created by Wolfpack Studios and published on March 25, 2003 by Ubisoft for Windows and Mac platforms. Originally comm...
Выберите своего мастера миньонов и соберите армию миньонов, чтобы сразиться лицом к лицу с другими игроками онлайн в битве миньонов в реальном времени! Твои приспешники ждут тебя!
A free-to-play, fantasy browser-based MMORPG.
Bless - is a huge world, which has been simmering struggle between the Empire and the Union of Giron. Different races, each with its own history and philosophy, are on opposite sid...
Wakfu: Les Gardiens is a browser game intended as an initiation to MMORPGs for young teens and a crossover link to the animated series WAKFU, released by ANKAMA and broadcasted by...
Puzzle Wizards is a cozy co-op puzzle MMO from the creators of Puzzle Pirates (2003). Create your wizard and join a magical world of puzzling wizardry! Harvest, craft and battle by...
Summoners War: Chronicles - это MMORPG в реальном времени. В игре участвуют 3 персонажа, каждый из которых может получить поддержку от 3 призывателей.
Confront a rising threat and uncover a monstrous secret with Castle Thorn and Stone Garden, two challenging dungeons that continue the year-long saga.
Dragon Ball Online was a massive multiplayer online role-playing game being developed in Japan and South Korea by NTL, set in the Dragon Ball universe. Dragon Ball Online takes pla...
Создавайте артефакты силы. Плывите в далекие страны. Постройте город во имя вас. Создайте свое наследие. Погибни и родись заново. Наблюдайте за падением гильдий, вымиранием рас -...
We don't know where Arua came from, nor how she came to be. We do know, however, that nothing existed before Arua. The Goddess of life, souls, and all existence created the univers...
Kryxivia is a fantasy 3D MMORPG game directly available on our website at, a whole eco-system awaiting new adventurous players to collect Kryxit! In our world, prepare...
Можете ли вы вернуть землю своих предков? Злые силы захватили некогда плодородную землю Фортианы. Вы единственный, кто может штурмовать замки и отбить их у орд драконов. Испытай...
IdleOn is RPG where your characters keep leveling up when you're gone! Create unique class combos, and spend loot on powerful upgrades, all while cooking, mining, fishing, breeding...
A community driven an adventure MMORPG. We threw aside the traditional MMO and made it for gamers by gamers. In a world of chaos, it's your job as the player to thrive and free the...
Kalonline is an MMORPG where the player is given a choice of characters of different classes, and their appearance customizable. The player can customize various attributes of thei...
Geocaching meets the classic turn-based RPG. In this unique GPS powered multiplayer RPG, enjoy turn-based combat, collect and upgrade your weapons and armor, compete in PvP battle...
TibiaME is a mobile RPG multiplayer online based on the MMORPG game Tibia.