Hack 'N' Slash Action RPG in a Steampunk World Take on the role of a convict who has been thrown into the dungeons by a powerful ruling organization. Embark on a journey through a...
DoomBreaker is a hack n slash adventure in a procedurally generated world, accompanied with voice work driven narrative, combat system and more. Rise up and fight against the impen...
Button Man is a side-scrolling adventure game set in a fictional Nova Scotia during prohibition. After years of being the henchmen to the local bootlegging kingpin your job now is...
Cryptic Crawlz: Dive into the depths of an enigmatic dungeon where mystery and danger lurk at every turn. Combining the thrilling action of a Hack-and-Slash RPG with the cerebral c...
From developer Microbird, Dungeons of Hinterberg takes place in the Austrian Alps, where the small town of Hinterberg has become a tourist destination due to its lush scenery and c...
Slash, Shoot and Break demons, Capture their spirits and summon them out into your battle in the beautiful yet dangerous world of Inferno, Fight against hordes of demons from Ars G...
INK INSIDE is the hand drawn beat-em-up RPG with the heart of a Saturday Morning Cartoon! Play as Stick (Brian David Gilbert) an unfinished doodle in an old notebook trying to disc...
Astra Noctis is a Metroidvania more focused on combat than exploration. It contains some RPG touches, such as the inventory and equipment system. These systems encourage experiment...