In Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, the player takes on the role of a young boy who is caught up in the apocalypse while visiting his sick teacher, Yuko Takao, with his two classm...
Спин-офф франшизы Atelier с участием персонажей из прошлых игр. Игра фокусируется на городском строительстве и управлении. Главная героиня не алхимик, в отличие от основных игр фр...
Blightbound is a multiplayer dungeon crawler that tasks three heroes to venture down from their mountain refuge to face the abominations of the Blight - a mysterious and corrupting...
The Airs is a Japanese adventure RPG about a group of friends participating in sky racing tournaments.
A prequel to the main chapters of the game about the story of Zero. It is an episode about how Zero met Michael. (Acquire Ending A to access this DLC).
Массовая многопользовательская онлайн-ролевая игра, выпущенная компанией NCSOFT. Игра сочетает в себе PvP и PvE в фэнтезийной игровой среде.
PANZAR is a fantasy multiplayer third-person shooter. You get to choose from eight unique character classes, team-based PvP battles, exciting PvE adventures and regular tournaments...
Гладио, один из трех верных товарищей, сопровождающих Ноктиса в его путешествии, впервые станет игровым персонажем в своем собственном эпизоде с совершенно другим типом игрового пр...
A world infested with savarians, devoured by black aura. Lily, a young magic swordswoman, is on a journey to defeat savarians. In a village she calls in at, she confronts savarians...
Usurper: Soulbound is a tough Rogue-lite Action RPG where players are trapped without a physical body in a horrifying dimension and must possess the bodies of their enemies and oth...
Заявите права на нетронутые земли и проложите путь жестокому племени викингов. Создайте идеальное поселение в одиночку или вместе с тремя друзьями. Доверьтесь богам и силе Ока Один...
A remaster of the Playstation 3 and Vita game now in 4K at 60fps with a high-speed skip mode that runs the story/events at 2 times normal speed and battles at 4. - Data from Trail...
Shop Titans - это ролевая игра-симулятор, в которой вам предстоит построить свой собственный магазин в фэнтезийном королевстве. В нем вы можете создавать и продавать доспехи, мечи,...
Set in the Forgotten Realms, the game features real-time combat and dynamic co-op gameplay, and pits the infamous Drizzt Do'Urden and his legendary companions – Catti-brie, Bruenor...
История Xenosaga III начинается через год после окончания Xenosaga II. Шион уволился из Vector Industries, узнав, что компания глубоко связана с появлением Gnosis. Вместо этого она...
In partnership with Team Ninja from KOEI TECMO GAMES, Square Enix presents DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT as a new and refreshing experience – a team-based brawler. Combining seamless...
Fullmetal Alchemist: Stray Rondo is a role playing game for the Game Boy Advance published by Bandai. It is one of two FMA games for the GBA that were only released in Japan. This...
Noble Armada: Lost Worlds is a real-time strategy PC title based on the Noble Armada miniatures game. Set in the Fading Suns Universe, where the suns themselves are dying, humanity...
Developed by Nihon Falcom as part of their long-running Ys series, and originally released for PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system, this PlayStation 4 remaster will supp...
Avan, Zeri and Cosette must move with the escort APC to the target point in Area 1. The main Class G force and Avan, Zeri and Cosette will operate separately for this mission.
The Emperor's Own is a story-driven adventure game with RPG elements, set in an alternate universe, inspired by the Russian Empire at the dawn of the 19th century. It features mult...
Wandering Sword is a Wuxia-style pixel RPG. Play as a young man from Liao City in the Outer Lands who is accidentally drawn into a feud between two rival sects. Being in the wrong...
FeralHeart Unleashed is a free-to-play roleplaying MMO game where you can explore a vast online universe as several types of animal species! Express your endless creativity with cr...
В Dragon Quest Heroes главные герои должны противостоять непреодолимым препятствиям, бросая вызов полчищам врагов и побеждая гигантских монстров в захватывающей экшн-игре. Наполнен...
The well-known Action-RPG Dawn of Magic will now be continued as the evil forces won't leave the world without a desperate struggle after the death of the monstrous immortal Modo....
Pirates of the Flying Fortress introduces more than a sufficient amount of new gameplay elements. In addition to an archipelago filled with new vegetation in which players can trav...
Как и его предшественник, Yo-kai Watch 2 представляет собой ролевую видеоигру с открытым миром, в которой игроку предоставляется управление игровым персонажем Натаном Адамсом или,...
Starting development in 2005 under the codename Rapture, FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE was announced in 2009 for Windows and the PlayStation 3. It ran on Square Enix's Crystal Tools mi...