Когда человеку суждено умереть, демоны переправляют его души в загробную жизнь. Отвергнутый демон: Токо - это история самой Токо, демона, которого выгнали из ада. Токо не может пер...
Banyu Lintar Angin is a series of experimental illustrations about three siblings, living together independently in a rural Indonesian environment.
Исследуйте волшебный мир летнего лагеря в этой насыщенной сюжетом игре о молодой ведьме, вторгшейся в Царство людей. Заводите друзей, творите заклинания и раскрывайте секреты во вр...
Kotachi Asterio wants to help people that can’t fight for themselves. But, he isn't some sort of superhero- he can just see things other people can't. During the day, he goes to hi...
To a town by a crater lake, a traveller comes.
Узнайте, как все это началось, в этом заманчивом визуальном романе-приквеле к Логову заводного бога. Присоединяйтесь к героям Дэну и Бену, которые переживают тяжелый первый школьны...
There is a tavern at the edge of the domain, right at the boundary between the demons and the humans. It doesn't serve any ale - only tea - but for some reason, travellers find the...
Relics of the old world haunt the shores.
Kisekimura is a turn based RPG that features adult content and collaborations with NSFW content creators. Accompany diverse characters along their journeys in a vast fantasy world...
Universe for Sale is a sci-fi narrative experience about human relationships and self-acceptance, follow the stories of the nameless Master, a mysterious cultist and Lila the unive...
Relaxing exploration game made for the January 2021 Bitsy Jam.
A fan-made kinetic novel based on Key/VisualArts' CLANNAD, continuing Ushio's path.
Oh, I'm crying now, authentic tears, They flow out of me when I think about you, Cause you're the only person in the world who'd understand, Cause you're the only person in the wor...
Tsukumogami is the original Japanese version of 99 Spirits, a RPG/Puzzle game that revolves around the popular Japanese folklore of Tsukumogami, everyday objects coming alive on th...
Beyond Clouds is a Galgame about love stories. It reflects everybody’s daily life with a tat of humor, and touches your soul by connecting with your life.
Master Thief Lupin the Third is always two steps ahead of his eternal nemesis, the ICPO's Inspector Zenigata. But occasionally, Zenigata is lucky enough to slap a pair of cuffs ont...
The Sin Collector: Repentless is a game on the border of a visual novel and a classic text RPG, set in the world of The Sin Collector. Action takes place a couple of years before t...
Komorebi is a coming-of-age/slice of life story about a group of friends who happen to experience visions of their future; and the fears and anxieties they face as they try to find...
Who've we got on shift today? Year 3484 aboard The Adamant Gambit.
The cute fantasy visual novel, How to Fool a Liar King returns as a remastered version. Regina, a girl who loves cats, a bit forgetful but confident in her strength, suddenly appea...
This entry of Thera follows the slapdash pilot broadcast of a TV program hosted by two remarkably stable and self-aware fragments named Hera and Despera.