Asuha, a self-proclaimed gambling prodigy, challenges the Witch ruling the gambling district. Poised to win, she is defeated by a mysterious power. An adventure of gambling, exposi...
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal is the third installment of the Beat Series directed by HIRO, set to be released the 28th of July 2017, making it the first proper entry to the series in almos...
A rhythm game in which players can play popular arrangements of Touhou Project songs. A rebuild of Touhou Danmaku Kagura as a stand-alone version with a completely new storyline.
A former occult magazine editor, who had just been dumped by his girlfriend, suddenly lost his memory after drinking at a gay bar in Shinjuku, and found himself lying on a strange...
Dragon Knight II is the predecessor to Knights of Xentar, the only Dragon Knight game that was ever translated into English. This is a first-person game that is mainly dedicated to...
This is an expanded version on the original Rance Quest, completely replacing the former in the series' canonical timeline. It fleshes out existing characters, and adds a brand new...
A metroidvania game heavily influenced by SOTN. Play as Lenga, the Battle Angel, going on a quest to reclaim the floating castle occupied by the Demon army!
Humanity is prospering through the expansion of the Earth's development, but natural destruction has also become extreme. One day Amon, a scientist who opposed the destruction of...