Unknown Fate is an enigmatic story-driven action adventure set in a surreal world full of mind-twisting puzzles and bizarre creatures. Set off on an amazing journey through Unknow...
An outlaw called Blackjack killed 21 people before he died. Now grave robbers have opened his grave and unleashed a curse. The citizens of Deadwood are dying mysteriously, and you...
Sixth extinction is a dark, narrative-driven experience about extinction and discovering the true nature of yourself. Can you outwit the obstacles in your way, uncover the truth an...
Take the role of a brave little playing card on a card flipping adventure to save your captured companion. Solve puzzles and outwit enemies with 4 suit abilities as you make your w...
System of souls is a first-person puzzle and platform video game. You will control L-064N, a soul transferred to a last robot model that will try to remember who it is and what it...
Logic Town is a challenging coffee-break puzzle game based on Einstein Puzzles (AKA Zebra Puzzles). Solve the puzzles to redecorate various scenes in a Seaside Town. Each new locat...
Race to unearth the mystery of a forgotten civilization and rescue your kidnapped fiancé in this atmospheric adventure, suitable for beginners and diehards alike, which features a...
Save your brother and become a master of the Mystic Diary!
A lone FBI agent has come to the Haunted Hotel, from which no one can escape, until its mysteries are unraveled.
Clue Classic is a video game based on Hasbro's Cluedo franchise. It was developed by Games Cafe and published by Reflexive Entertainment on June 3, 2008. The single-player interact...
Welcome to Forgotten Hill Museum, a place where the past, the present, nature, art and the unknown are exhibited!
Justice.exe is a dialogue-heavy dystopian legal drama in which you defend sentient AI in court. Discover key story elements in dialogue, build your case by studying arguments, and...
Slide into the cave and explore all the rooms to discover many puzzles ! This temple also hide a mysterious chest but noone knows exactly what it contains. Each time you want to...
Explore a mysterious island as a tiny lizard. Complete ancient puzzles, effortlessly climb cliffs, and eat bugs as you make your way across an island civilization lost to time.
A dark spiral in the center of the Dark City's underworld for daredevil detective Martin Coman!
An online multiplayer co-op escape room experience where you must use your wits, skills, and speed to escape your peril. Escape rooms include Halloween dungeon, saving Christmas, r...
It is a rainy night in the Spring of 2005. Lily is left home alone after her Papa put her to bed. She is awoken by a cry for help outside her window. It is coming from the well. He...
Where nothing is as it seems and everything feels possible.
Blue Orchid is a narrative thriller/sci-fi mobile game, featuring chat messaging with NPCs, puzzles and investigation phases.
The small town of Numberville is under the curse of the late Professor Alfons Numerus - imprisoned in Number-Castle, Mathica, the stepdaughter of the mathematical genius, must solv...
Blue Toad Murder File: The Mysteries of Little Riddle - это совместная эпизодическая игра для скачивания от одного до четырех игроков, изданная Relentless Software. Действие происх...
The Prison Boys is a visual novel with adventure game elements taking place at the end of the Taisho period in Japan with some of the events mentioned in the game based on real eve...
You are tasked with helping Cat, a culture journalist caught up in a whistleblowing case. She reaches out to you via text message, and your job is to guide her through a series of...
Chef's Tail is a fantasy adventure RPG. Play as the Cat Chef in the spooky but cute underworld. Earn your coin by tending the trees, fishing, and creating incredible dishes, or jus...
Lightout is a first-person psychological horror game with puzzles, Which takes place in an abandoned apartment.
Space Boat is an investigative narrative adventure set on an intergalactic cruise-ship inhabited by various carpet-based lifeforms. Play as a cleverly disguised space cat, traverse...
Unravel the truth of an ancient civilisation, lost in time through three brand-new scenarios, filled with death, deceit, and ancient rituals.