After escaping the M17 vampire hunters, Eric Bane’s next adventure is already waiting for him. Eric learns of the mysterious ‘Book of the Dead’ which grants its owner power of Deat...
Endless Chase: Fate of Bolek is a real-time RPG with time travel elements seamlessly integrated into both gameplay and narrative. It features five distinct core loops that alternat...
A cyberpunk action-RPG set in a decadent and sick megalopolis, where the only way to feel good is a drug called Affectus. With no memory, you must unravel the mysteries of your pas...
Evotinction is a third-person stealth game featuring unique hacking mechanics. The developers share an enormous passion for the stealth genre and wish to provide a complex and dyna...
«Призрак Цусимы: режиссерская версия» включает: - Полная игра. - Расширение острова Ики: новый сюжет, мини-игры, типы врагов и многое другое. - Кооперативный онлайн-режим Legend...