Killer Instinct 2 follows on from the plot line that the previous installment ended with. Eyedol's death at the hands of Orchid accidentally sets off a time warp, transporting some...
Mizuki Shigeru no Youkai Butouden is a horror-themed fighting game based on the works of renowed japanese artist Mizuki Shigeru (1922 - 2015). This game was released for the origin...
Open world horror set in a city in which your worst nightmares have become an everyday part of life. Explore a dense open world of terror, every building a unique location with it'...
Three months have gone by since the events of the first game. The Terror Mask, which has reformed after breaking at the climax of the first game, appears to Rick and repeatedly tem...
YuYu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen is a 1994 fighting game for the Sega Mega Drive by Treasure made with the Yu Yu Hakusho license — the second such game, after Nextech's adventure gam...
Nakwon is a 3-person view Zombie Apocalypse Stealth Survival game. Experience a new form of 'Post-Apocalypse Life' that you've never seen before. Explore 'Extraction Survival' and...
Creepy Brawls is a NES homebrew ROM and physical release by Mega Cat Studios. The game's design and playstyle is reminiscent of Punch-Out. Released in 2017, the title was ported to...
Based on the great work of H.G. Wells, explore the English countryside and encounter iconic concepts such as Black Smoke, Red Weed and of course the almighty Fighting Machine and i...
The dead have risen from their graves, and monsters and mutants prey upon what's left of the living. Three monster hunters have joined together, using their knowledge of the occult...
Wacky Chinese phantoms, Kyonshies, are on the loose, wreaking havoc in eight villages. Phantom Fighter and his incompetent assistance are the only ones who can save the villagers f...
Vampire Hunter 2 was released simultaneously with Vampire Savior 2. Both games were not direct sequels but altered versions of Capcom's original, Vampire Savior. The game play is t...
Splatterhouse 3 is a video game released by Namco for the Mega Drive/Genesis in 1993. It is the sequel to Splatterhouse 2 and was one of the first games to be given a rating by Seg...
Low-poly horror fps survival shooter game. Kill monsters hidden within the walls of an abandoned city.
A short horror game where you have to survive cultist, with a shotgun in hand can you make it to the end?
War of the Manmade Monsters! Life Science industries of the future have created the world's greatest sports warriors. Averaging 25 feet tall and weighing several tons each, these...
Find out the story of a simple crazy Vlad who lies on his bed imagines a crazy journey.
Blandville is a looting/survival horror game with a winter atmosphere and cryptids roaming the forest.
Welcome home Amelia, familiar eyes are watching you, and they want to play. Home alone you can feel them. You can hear their footsteps. You need to move. You have limited visibilit...
Fright Fight is a cartoony horror-themed platform fighter.
Anito is a Single-Player Isometric Adventure RPG game by Anino Entertainment, an independent video game company based in the Philippines, set in 16th century Asia, in the land of M...
There’s a rumble in hell… and you’re invited. Twelve psychotic monsters fight fist-and-fang in the darkest, goriest head-to-head combat ever! In bone-chilling interactive, multi-l...
Ivoverso is a PvP battle game connected to Twitch chat via commands, and also a collection of NFT cards. Users compete by logging in with chat commands to be the last to survive in...
Unlike any other fighting game before, FrightShow Fighter delivers a creepy-fun experience that will leave you curious as to what else these strange characters can do. If you enjoy...
Clash of Evil is the first action-packed fighting game, using the worlds scariest characters, such as Slender, Jeff the Killer, Sonic.EXE etc. Join online against friends using you...
Shatter Keep is an asymmetrical multiplayer game where 3 survivor players try to escape the castle and 1 randomly selected monster player attempts to eliminate them. Survivors must...
In a mythical realm, in some unheard of dimension, all of the world's greatest monsters and mythological creatures have gathered to battle it out through this one-on-one 3D fightin...