An FMV adventure based on the eponymous light novel series by Aya Nishitani (the mind behind the Digital Devil Story novels, the basis of the Megami Tensei series). This horror-de...
Because of his success in the events at St. Theresia Academy, Kisaragi Shuuji (Shield 9) has obtained a firm position within Aegis. That is, as the one in charge of “Crossdress inf...
Ken ga Kimi is Japanese legend ADV and is highly recommended since released at Japan. Ken ga Kimi: Momoyo Tsuzuri is the FD of the original game and it has 100 stories included.
One-Hit Wonder is a short visual novel written in Catalan language, the first of its kind. Our protagonist joins a young man called Ismael in his nocturnal journey through a cyberp...
In Demon Quest '85 you play an ordinary, everyday kid with ordinary, everyday problems. You also have a magical book for summoning demons from the lowest circles of Hell so that th...
Побочная история к Лабиринту Грисайи, эта игра исследует прошлое главного героя Казами Юдзи, сосредоточив внимание на его жизни с Кусакабэ Асако, агентом CIRS, которая спасла его в...
Если найден… это интерактивный визуальный роман от Dreamfeel о поиске связи. Узнай, кто ты на самом деле.
The third game in the Spirit Hunter series. The story is set in a suburb of H City in Tokyo and revolves around Konoehara Academy, a school where gruesome events occur every ten y...
‘A Musical Story’ is a rhythm game set against a 70s backdrop. A Musical Story is the debut game from independent French developer, Glee-Cheese Studio.
The first part in a series of adventure games developed under Koei's English Dream label, a collection of games used to help teach the English language.
Take care of your own island. Summer in Mara is a single-player summer adventure, with an easy-RPG system and exploration elements. The spirit of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker a...
A coming of age story that sets the protagonist and his friends on a journey kickstarted by a chain of serial murders. Now available on modern platforms, the world-renowned Person...
This is the consumer port of the title that was released as a PC game in September 2020. For the consumer version, new episodes drawn by the original team of Riko Hakoeda and Tom F...
Paper Bride is a Chinese horror mystery puzzle game. You will play as the groom to search for the truth and have bizarre encounters, gradually learning about the dark mystic custom...
Yoshiya has been seeing continuous lucid dreams every night since he was small. Even though his mind doesn’t get to rest during his ‘sleep’, he still doesn’t experience heavy fatig...
Get a taste of the foreign travel offered by printed guidebooks. Enjoy a tour around Japan from the comfort of your own home! As the game's protagonist, you'll travel to famous Ja...
Open That Vein is a Parser-based horror text adventure and a La Petite Mort entry in ECTOCOMP 2015.
An Urusei Yatsura adventure game for the TurboGrafx CD.
Kyoukai no Shirayuki is a Japanese otome visual novel. It is described as a romance visual novel about the madness of the world.
Corpse Party: The Anthology - Sachiko's Game of Love: Hysteric Birthday 2U is a romantic comedy spin-off of the Corpse Party survival horror adventure game series. It features mult...
Welcome to your new gay gym! Train hard, flirt hard . . . slay monsters hard?! Meet the GymBeasts, forge friendships and start your grand adventure in this magical, sexy gym visua...
The second part in a series of adventure games developed under Koei's English Dream label. Yuri continues to unlock the secrets of the tunnel in the bookstore's basement, including...
Diamond Girl is such a game! This is a love story game in which relationships form between the love-allergic heroine who wears track suits around and the handsome men. This is an o...
An fantasy otome game released in Japan in 2011.
Мицуки, бесцельный молодой человек, готовящийся к вступительным экзаменам в университет, влюбляется в молодую мать-одиночку, которая живет в его жилом комплексе. Между этими несовп...
You play a university student named Fuji Touya. Your long-term girlfriend, Morikawa Yuki, is starting to become a very popular idol singer. Unfortunately, her popularity begins to...