This gripping paranormal horror adventure revolves around Hermitage, the sinister bookstore that attracts most unusual customers – all of whom seem to be involved in mysterious cas...
An investigation adventure in which the player, acting as an unnamed Japanese detective, is called to solve the murder of a bank executive by searching for clues, exploring differe...
Just Kiss Him Already! is a fluffy high school boys love story about two idiots who need a gentle push in the right direction to get together- and you're here to help with that!
John Doe + is a surreal horror visual novel and is a remake of John Doe.
Никто, кроме тебя - это визуальный роман / симулятор свиданий о Хидеаки, старшекласснике, который только что вернулся в свой родной город Окутама.
Фальконеры: Лунный свет - визуальный роман-триллер о сверхъестественном, действие которого разворачивается на Западном побережье Новой Зеландии в 19 веке. Фальконер, Кассандра Винт...
An interactive story about anxiety. You play *as* the anxiety.
Сборник всех тринадцати глав из серии эпизодических визуальных новелл Harvest December для Nintendo 3DS.
Just before summer holiday, Shio lives a busy school life as captain of the student council with a support of Yuno, who is in charge of general affairs of the council. He sometimes...
Ты знаешь, что такое любовь? Эта игра пытается дать наш ответ. Эта игра поощряет людей иметь чувствительное и нежное сердце. Наслаждайтесь!
10mg is a collection of 10 minute long games. Slasher, Interrupted is a visual novel, in which you attempt to tell a horror story whilst your girlfriends interrupt with their own...
Tiny Bunny — нелинейный визуальный роман ужасов. Тем, кто услышал голос леса, уже не помочь.
Love, Election & Chocolate Portable is a PlayStation Portable port of the romance visual novel that puts the player in the shoes of a male student named Yuuki Oojima. The game is m...
Densha de D: Shining Stage is the 5th entry in the Densha de D series. It's a train racing game that parodies the popular manga series Initial D.
A fandisc for Rewrite consisting of six heroine scenarios and an RPG minigame entitled Rewrite Quest.
Визуальный роман отоме в сочетании с индонезийской культурой о девушке, которая попадает в мир, полный тайн и мужчин!
Loki Muspelheim, an exiled member of demon nobility strives for the throne of the Dark Lord who has wronged him. To succeed the throne and exact his revenge, he must obtain the hid...
Yunoha na Spring! is a Japanese otome visual novel.
The complicated threads in Fate/Stay Night unravel in Réalta Nua. The series tells some of the most bloody and brutal love stories ever. The three heroines, Saber, Rin, and Sakura,...
A mystery visual novel about six students forced to play a 12-hour long killing game.
This mod continues straight from the bad end of the original game and involves everyone working together to find out the truth about their world and about Project Libitina. It feat...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - The Contempt of Court is a fangame based on the Ace Attorney series. Created across eight years, the game features various four original cases in the...