An action platformer for the Super Famicom based on the Gegege no Kitarou anime and manga. The player, as Kitarou, must defeat the all-powerful Demon King Tenma before he can resur...
Licensed Super Famicom anime game that features two distinct modes: an active time battle RPG combat mode and a 2D side-scrolling platformer.
Take control of the massively awesome and super sexy aristocratic demon known only as The Duke in an upwards-scrolling platformer where chasing down giant fleeing monsters is the b...
Castlevania Dawn of Dissonance is a Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow romhack aiming to modify most of the games content. There is a new story, new items, sprites, weapons, music, and mos...
Super Metroid Nature is a full-sized hack of the popular game Super Metroid. The design of the world, palettes, enemies and atmosphere is entirely different to the original story o...
Suspicious Space Pirate activity has been detected by the Galactic Federation in the remote Tog'Tassano system and Samus is sent to check it out. Discover the truth of what's going...
Majuu-ou is a side-scrolling platformer for the Super Nintendo, taking influences from Castlevania and Contra. You play as Abel, intent on rescuing his daughter from the depths of...
One day Spike O'Hara, a senior from the academic institution of Cool School High found a glowing skull in the local cemetery, a finding that would prove to be a disaster. Spike bro...
Ghosts 'n Goblins for the Game Boy Color is a port of the NES version of the game.
Three years after the explosion of Zebes, Samus came back on Earth to investigate on strange events disturbing the Darkholme Hospital, a military medical complex built 50 years ago...
A meaningful story-driven psychological horror action platformer game with nostalgic charm.
Samus Aran has been contracted to investigate an installation on Planet Auriga.
GeGeGe no Kitaro: Yokai Daimakyou, known as Ninja Kid in the West, is an NES game developed by TOSE and published by Bandai. It was based on the manga series GeGeGe no Kitaro. This...
You are the legendary monster hunter on a mission to survive the slaughter through the Dead Kingdom. Armed only with a trusty crossbow and old-fashioned trench coat, you have to re...
Spiders Everywhere is a cute 2D side-scolling run ‘n gun action game in a vintage rubberhose cartoon style, accompanied by old school jazz-music. The game has only one level, but i...
This Super Metroid hack is straight up a mirror image of the original game! You'd be surprised how easily you can get lost when everything is flipped around. All sequence breaking...
Welcome to Spooky Station! Prepare to be amazed and bewildered by our enigmas and puzzles, afraid of our deadly enemies and extremely challenging bosses. Tons of exciting stories a...
DeFRaG is a free software modification for id Software's first-person shooter computer game Quake III Arena (Q3A). The mod is dedicated to player movements and trickjumping. It aim...
Slay mushrooms in this action packed platformer!
In the cold dark night you make your way through the ghoulish castle of Dr. Frankenstein. There you must prevent him from completing his creation. Your only chance is to gather...
Super Screepy Underworld is an action platformer in which players control a creature which is trapped in hell, and the only way to save their soul is to beat the devil and all the...
Harry the Ghost Chaser enters the haunted Fairport Manor and wants to drive out the ghosts that settle in that place. You control Harry on his mission. The game features sixteen...
You don't know who you are, where you are and why you are here, you know just thing, you want to survive and get out of HELL!
Citadale: The Legends Trilogy is a retro action-platformer filled to the brim with vampires, zombies and other creatures of the night. Hope you brought some holy water!
Slashy Souls is a mobile 'casual' game inspired by Dark Souls 3. It is acting as marketing hype for the release of Dark Souls 3.
Confront your darkness in Memories of Fireflies, a Voxel-based Puzzle Platformer which takes place in a dark and dangerous world that you must venture to discover its secrets. Over...
You control Santa Claus as he fights against Krampus and his mischievous minions. The game features 8 unique levels, an army of monsters, and challenging boss fights. Can you save...