Star Ocean: The Divine Force is the next installment in the Star Ocean series. The game features a story that blends sci-fi and fantasy, a rich lineup of characters and side storie...
Mononobe no Futo to Nanatsu no Shiren is a fan-made Touhou Project-roguelike game created by AQUA STYLE.
This pack will add Patchouli Knowledge to the game.
Shape History or Be History Select and control decisive moments during decades of royal conflict. Magic, revenge, and assassination will all play a part in determining who will ob...
A fantasy-themed vertical scrolling shooter released in 1986 for MSX, also available for Wii's Virtual Console in Japan. It was brought without a license to the SG-1000 in Taiwa...
This DLC is an optional playable character pack for Touhou Blooming Chaos, including Ibuki Suika, Ibaraki Kasen, Shikieiki, Hinanawi Tenshi and Hata no Kokoro. Once purchased, you...
An open world action / comedy variety game with a unique blend of 2D and 3D game modes. With Multi-player PvE, open world racing, combat based 2D platforming and tons of quirky hum...
Погрузитесь в эпический опыт, более мощный, чем все, что вы могли себе представить. Используя инновационную технологию, Stonekeep настолько увлекает вас в свои темные уголки, что в...
Четыре ботаника, втянутые в мир фантазий и ошибочно принятые за героев, должны пробиться через масштабное, сумасшедшее приключение и победить нелепого злодея! Doom & Destiny - это...
Moon Hunters is a myth-weaving adventure for 1-4 players, solving ancient mysteries and building mythologies. Explore a hand-painted pixel art world that's randomly generated yet r...
В первой в истории постоянной игре альтернативной реальности вы вступаете в ряды Черных стражей, военизированной группы, призванной защищать общественность от опасных явлений, выхо...
Silkroad Online is a free MMORPG made by Joymax that is based on the silkroad trading routes in ancient China.
Дополнение Crucible представляет новый захватывающий игровой режим arena в экшн-RPG Grim Dawn. Войдите в Крусибл, суровое поле битвы, заполненное волнами самых смертоносных демонов...
This story takes place three years after the events of the previous game “Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout,” and depicts the reunion of Ryza and her friends, who go...
Project Utgardr is an adventure, parkour and puzzle solving game in an old and far land. Based on exploration and nordic mythology... This is a non-game and none is playing with it...
Enter the immersive world of Vulcan Tower Defense, where ancient Vulcanites and powerful kings clash with modern heroes defending their towers. This game, more than just a play-to-...
Highlights and Key Features: - Over 40 hours of gameplay and multiple endings! - Discover powerful character classes with the new Emblem System! - Cast a wide assortment of magic s...
Atlantica Online is a turn-based tactical MMORPG in which the player primarily assumes the role of a descendant of the Atlantean people. The primary goal of the game is to search f...
Выплыть на берег на незнакомом острове Иттл и Типпси попадают на еще один остров, наполненный добычей, головоломками и таинственными обитателями! С помощью волшебной карты они нам...
Samsa and the Knights of Light - это RPG-игра в ретро-стиле 2D. Игра перенесет вас в историю САМСЫ, сильного, но ленивого демона, который хочет спасти мир по-своему. Выступая проти...
The Wizard's Survival Kit allows you to equip the following items for your character: Wizard's Hat (item) - No wizard of note would ever be seen outdoors without one of these point...
One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the Scourge from the West came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdom...
Mutazione is a adventure exploration video game set on an island where the player tends to the local gardens and learns more about the town's people. The game takes place over diff...
8-Bit Adventures 2 is everything you love about NES, SNES and PS1-era JRPGs - with all of the charm, heart and soul, but none of the inconvenience. Dynamic turn-based battles & pix...
A randomizer mod for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy VI has received a remake for Android and iOS devices, and its graphical presentation is enhanced compared to previous versions in highly-detailed 2D. A Windows PC por...
Faxandu is for the Famicom and NES. The name was licensed by Falcom and was developed and released in Japan in 1987. Nintendo also released the game to the world market in 1990. It...
200% Смешанный сок! это 10-я юбилейная игра Orange Juice, олдскульной RPG с 200%-ным сочетанием персонажей из апельсинового сока.