The narrative turn-based strategy tells the story of the starship Albatross invaded by alien monsters. SEVERAL MAIN CHARACTERS Even passengers have to act bravely on the ship inv...
Поймайте сотни крошечных существ и используйте их уникальные способности, чтобы вернуть Майло на его родную планету - и обратно к нормальному размеру!
This DLC is an optional playable character pack for Touhou Blooming Chaos, including Flandre Scarlet, Komeji Koishi, Aki Minoriko, Tsukumo Yatsuhashi and Yorigami Jyoon. Once purch...
A relaxing and charming puzzle game about Roberto, a dog who really loves loooooooong sticks with a plan in mind.
Cast off! Cosmonautica is a fresh take on space trading in a procedurally generated universe, paired with quirky humor for your intergalactic enjoyment. Are you ready for some hila...
Поезда с оружием на них на Диком Западе! Стреляйте, улучшайте, настраивайте и садитесь верхом, чтобы победить жестоких преступников и безжалостных бизнесменов! Tumbleweed Express -...
TwinCop - это остросюжетный кооперативный шутер с двумя стиками в стиле ретро. Вы и ваш друг - твинкоп: один игрок управляет правой рукой, другой - левой, и вы оба управляете ногам...
Lingotopia is a language learning game about being lost in a city where you don't speak the language. Learn Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and more!
Sproots is a colony survivial game where you control small Pikmin like creatures in a Sims-esque manner Each 'sproot' is in constant need of food and water. Their camp is always...
Spirit of the Island is a colorful life simulation RPG set on a tropical paradise. Help the locals, grow crops, take care of animals, and turn a desolate archipelago into a prosper...
В этой игре о приключениях и загадках, где древние языки являются одновременно и замком, и ключом, путешествуйте по бесконечным ступеням огромного лабиринта, умножайте неожиданные...
Set in a futuristic Odyssey, The Next Penelope is a fast paced action racing game with loud colors, an original story and a challenging risk-reward system. Weapons can be mixed an...
Girlfriend Rescue is a thrilling new adventure with an enthralling story where Taken meets 24. Innovative in many aspects, mixing rogue-style RPG and Beat 'em Up in a unique way, t...
Songbringer is a sci-fi, pixel, action-adventure game in which one journeys through procedurally-generated, Zelda-inspired worlds. Along the way one will uncover powerful artifacts...
Love is Dead - это экшн-головоломка о любви, смерти и блинах. Вы и ваша любовь отправляетесь в мировое приключение по кладбищам, городам, художественной галерее, вулкану и за его п...
The Mercury Man is a sci-fi game in the TRPG genre with adventure elements. In this game you will be in the mercury hunter's shoes. Mercuries are people who have subjected themselv...
Вторая игра в трилогии LiEat.
Skald: Against the Black Priory is a classic, turn-based RPG. It's set in a dark and gritty fantasy universe: full of tragic heroes, violent deaths and eldritch, Lovecraftian horro...
The Crackpet Show is an action-packed rogue-lite shoot-'em-up about mutated animals that fight in a bizarre TV show, crushing their opponents with a variety of weapons. Choose your...
Pokémon and the Last Wish Part II is a fan made Pokémon game. It is not a ROM Hack, but rather a game made in RPG Maker XP, using the Pokemon Essentials kit. Three years after the...
Hack ‘n’ Slash is a puzzle action game about hacking — reprogram object properties, hijack global variables, hack creature behavior, and even rewrite the game’s code. The only way...
Создатель Retro City Rampage работает над новой игрой в стиле ретро с открытым миром.
Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire is a tactical turn-based RPG, set on a world fallen into a medieval dark age after the collapse of a spacefaring civilization. You must guide T...
На этот раз Геркулес и Мегара вовлечены в детективную историю. Тревога на Олимпе свидетельствует об отсутствии Зевса, который редко покидал вершину. Несколько подсказок раскрывают...
An all-new retro-style RPG free to play in its entirety! Join forces with other humans, elves, and dwarves, and set off on a journey to slay the evil dragon, Wyrmvarg! Employing 8...
Othercide is a horror themed tactical turn-based game set in an esoteric world beyond our reality. The game will place the player in control of female warriors, in a desperate stru...
Camped Out is a frenetic couch co-op game for friends and families where up to four players must work together to set up camp before darkness falls. Work together as a team to com...
Bear and Breakfast is a laid-back management adventure game where you build and run a bed and breakfast...but you’re a bear.