An adaptation of the TV quiz show where two families compete for cash prizes. These versions were all published by GameTek and developed by various developers between 1991 and 1994...
A collection of crossword and word seek puzzles that you can solve on your PC. It comes with a crossword editor and import tools for for creating your own crosswords. You can save...
Released in November 1975, Trivia was the first trivia game in arcades. The 2000 trivia questions were stored on a 8-track tape cartridge.
A very basic translation of the popular game show Wheel of Fortune, where you guess letters until you can guess the phrase. This CGA version has three old-school rounds of Wheel of...
Anime Music Quiz is, you guessed it, a quiz game about Anime Music! Inspired by the popular “guess the opening/ending song” quizzes, that are all about matching a set of anime song...
A quiz video game based on a toy line manufactured by Tec Toy. It features questions for 10 different themes, and is usually released built-in consoles by Tec Toy. Some times these...
From the creators of SongPop comes a brand new way for you to compete with Music Lovers from All Around the World. Challenge your friends with more than 100,000 real music clips f...
A daily 4x4 tile-swapping game about matching words that relate to the same movie (or movies). There are 4 or 5 movies to find in each puzzle. Swap tiles to organize them into row...
All the excitement of a prime-time TV game show in your very own living room! With Mr. Potato Head as your host, you are guaranteed to have a thrilling night of family friendly fun...
Test Yourself provides you with an affordable and accurate psychological profile. Test Yourself was developed along side professionals in the field of Psychology to bring you an ac...
Ready for some crossword puzzle? We have something for you! Cross Word Game offers loads of words to uncover.
Quiz game based on the show of the same name. Up to three contestants can play at once, with gaps optionally filled in by computer AI. If three human players are engaged, then Play...
This is a clone of Sonic Heardle, a clone of Joywave Heardle (modeled on the original Heardle).
An intellectual game where you can spend time with your friends.
Buzz!: The Pop Quiz will test your knowledge of music from the 1990's to the present day.
An unlicensed gambling sim for the Genesis.
Katou Hifumi Kudan Shogi Club is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Natsu System and published by Hect, which was released in Japan in 1997.
Sugoroku Ginga Senki is a Miscellaneous game, developed and published by Bottom Up, which was released in Japan in 1996.
Super Pachinko Taisen is a Miscellaneous game, published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Chibi Maruko-Chan: Mezase! Minami no Island!! is an Action game, developed and published by Konami, which was released in Japan in 1995.
QuizWitz is a fun party quiz game in which you can challenge your friends and family to a game of wits and prove you are the best at remembering silly facts and random information....
Super Famicom mahjong game based on a manga about an underground mahjong club.
BS Parlor! Parlor! is a Downloadable 2-part Soundlink game for the Satellaview that was broadcast between March 1, 1998 and March 14, 1998. At various times throughout 1995, the ga...
Based on the television game show, Family Feud pits two teams of five against one another as they attempt to guess the top answers to survey questions. The winning team advances to...
Draw, Guess, Evolve. This visual game will make simple phrases evolve in wacky and amusing ways. Drawing Evolution is full of confusion, awful drawings, and laughs for any group.
Video Chat Party Game for 3+ Players of All Ages. Players take turns being the judge and giving out prompts for other players to use in finding a real-life object. Points are award...
A daily word guessing game where players are given 23 guesses to uncover 16 hidden words. Also includes a free-play mode for unlimited play.