Japanese mythology and fast-paced multiplayer mayhem combine to make Throne of Darkness a must-have title for action oriented role-playing fans. Players will control a team of seve...
Brave Frontier is a mobile-based RPG game combining elements of trading card games, collection/evolution-based games, and traditional RPGs. Players act as a summoner, calling upon...
With a chilling crime at the center of its spellbinding story, Vampire Saga is not intended for the faint of heart. Join Matthew Ward as he steals aboard a cargo ship to escape the...
Metroidvania-style spring wire action! 2D side-scroller that uses wires to explore ruins in all directions Steampunk retrospective that connects ancient history and modern times El...
'Pedro's Adventures in Spanish' is a language learning adventure game. All of the dialogue, narration and interface is in simple Spanish accompanied by graphics, animation and cont...
Danish point-and-click adventure game with some edutainment content. The first game in Skipper and Skeeto -franchise. A witch has stolen the good fairy's magic wand and Skipper an...
A doujin game by Desunoya based on the Touhou Project series.
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road is the thirteenth game set in the Kingdom Hearts series. It was released on iOS, Android, and Amazon smartphone devices on June 22, 2020 globally, as part...
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion is an unofficial fan game crossover with many different series and characters, such as Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Metal Slug, and many others. It is a side-scr...
A Side Scroller Adventure game with a slight touch of Thriller. Use the powers of your flashlight to light up the shadow creatures that roam trought the forest and seek your way ou...
An adventure/running game for iOS and Android
Исследуйте начало серии Samorost в оригинальном приключении космического гнома, выпущенном ранее в 2003 году. Теперь с ремастированными звуками, улучшенной графикой и новой музыкой...
Zelda is a multiscreen Game & Watch game that was only released in English as a stand-alone system pre-loaded with the single game. It has dual screens which fold in a clamshell de...
Sons of Valhalla — это стратегическая игра по строительству баз с боковой прокруткой, которая переносит вас в эпоху викингов. Вы играете роль сына ярла викингов Торальда Олавсона,...
Pandora ventures into the Dark Realm to slay the demons who threaten her world. Collect Soul Orbs to upgrade your abilities and uncover arcane weaponry. Slash your way through froz...
An art driven souls-lite game set in the rebirth of your home planet. Return home, explore the mutated landscapes, slash, roll, and shoot your way through enemies. Find parts to re...
A doujin game by YuuYuutei based on the Touhou Project series.
The final piece of the Shantae: Half-Genie Hero storyline is here! When Shantae falls prey to dark magic, it’s up to Shantae's BFFs Sky, Bolo, and Rottytops to save her from a Nig...
Игра для коллекционирования монстров в пиксельной графике с визуальными эффектами бокового обзора, исследованиями в стиле метроидвании и сложными пошаговыми боями.
The fastest platform fighter is back with online and a brand new single player adventure. Deflect bullets, fly through the air, and dash through your opponents’ blades with unique...
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found is a Metroidvania style action-platformer that takes you back to a world made from the nightmares of your childhood. Join Brand - an action figure t...
В стране викингов открылся чудовищный портал. Великий Древний замышляет захватить мир. Хаос распространяется повсюду... а вечеринка только начинается! Начинающие валькирии вместе с...
Catmaze - это сказочная метроидвания, действие которой разворачивается во вселенной, основанной на славянских мифах. Древние сказки оживут в незабываемом приключении Алесты, волшеб...
This is still an semi-idle game suitable for fishing at work, covers leisure and strategy. It inherits many of the game features loved by the previous players, and adds new gamepla...
Hillsfar is a role-playing video game released for MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64 in 1989, and NES in 1993. It features a combination of real-time action and randomly genera...
Monkey Quest is a Kids MMO from Nickelodeon set in the spectacular World of Ook, a land where monkeys rule! You play a heroic monkey who battles the evil Shadow Demon, Ka, and his...
В стремлении изобретать, завоевывать и созидать иногда забываются конечные последствия. Земля лежит в руинах. Наша постоянно развивающаяся эфирная технология открыла проход в друг...
Aura of worlds - это платформер creative tactics rogue-lite. Исследуйте множество миров, где вы должны использовать свои творческие способности и смекалку, чтобы обратить невзгоды...