Projection: First Light follows Greta on a puzzle-platforming adventure through a mythological shadow puppet world, as she embarks on a journey across cultures meeting legendary he...
Asterix & Obelix XXL 3: The Crystal Menhir is an action platformer and the only game in the XXL series which offers cooperative gameplay. Platforming is very different to the previ...
One Hand Clapping is a musical 2D puzzle platformer that requires players to sing into their microphone to solve puzzles.
The Last Faith is an exploration-based Metroidvania, action side-scrolling platformer with dark and gothic horror themes at its core. An ancient religion is ruling for centuries th...
Magician Lord is a side-scrolling platform game that was a launch title for both the Neo-Geo MVS (arcade) and AES (home) systems, and was one of the pack-in games for the Neo-Geo A...
A doujin game by Top Arts plan based on the Touhou Project series.
Explore, craft, and survive in this Multiplayer RPG Platformer with permanent death! Featuring many Rogue-like elements, Magicite randomly generates each underground dungeon for yo...
In Trine 4: Melody of Mystery, there's trouble brewing at the Astral Academy once again. All the students are cursed, trapped in enchanted slumber and unable to wake up. With a mys...
The Spider of Lanka begins in 1741, one year before the first scenario in The Case of the Golden Idol, and uncovers the awful origins of this five-decade tale of betrayal, greed, a...
В Battle Chef Brigade есть фантастические повара, в том числе орки, эльфы и люди, которым нужно охотиться на опасных монстров за ингредиентами. С помощью этих ингредиентов, под кри...
Super Amazing Wagon Adventure - это быстро развивающаяся 2d-стрелялка со случайным сюжетом. Вы управляете группой из трех мигрантов, направляющихся на запад по тропе фургонов. Игра...
Exit the Gungeon is a bullet hell dungeon climber immediately following the adventures of the misfit ‘Gungeoneers’ and their journey for personal absolution in Enter the Gungeon. T...
Fight across the ruins of London using carefully refined Free-Form Combat, taking down a terrifying variety of mutated zombies with an expanding special move-set. Created for 1-4 p...
Magical Taluluto-kun is a 1992 action game for the Sega Mega Drive by Sega and Game Freak to tie into Tatsuya Egawa's/Shueisha's Magical Taruruuto-kun manga, which had been recentl...
Игра бросает вызов игроку с помощью серии головоломок и мозговых дразнилок, представленных в виде традиционной приключенческой игры Укажи и щелкни. Головоломки встроены в приключен...
Tactics algorithm RPG with a pop world view stretched out by the Three Fairies of Light! While Hoppin' & flappin' the world of quarter view, can the three fairies defeat Cirno by m...
Your astral projection, Maroc, flees from a goblin swordman as a wraith drifts silently into a corner. Can you open the chest and seize the key to penetrate below the Gatehouse Lev...
Слезы молодой ведьмы были превращены демоном в ключ, который открывает врата для зла в этом мире. Король Леона Альфонсо VI собрал своих верных рыцарей, чтобы добраться до Толомера-...
Свинья-самоубийца Хлюпик заключил сделку с дьяволом и сделает все, чтобы добраться до своих родителей на небесах. Это сложный платформер с различными элементами головоломки.
The Blackwell Epiphany - последняя игра в серии Blackwell.
Everlight: Of Magic & Power is a traditional point-and-click adventure from Germany. It evolves around the story of a daydreamer named Melvin. He is a withdrawn and shy boy, who, b...
La-Mulana is a 2D side-scrolling platform game, first released on May 27, 2005 in Japan for Microsoft Windows that features graphics and an interface inspired by MSX games. The gam...
Присоединяйтесь к Катриэль Лейтон, нашей новой героине, поскольку она оказывается втянутой в случайный, загадочный квест, корни которого уходят в поиски ее пропавшего отца, професс...
Do you believe in Fate or Destiny? If not, maybe you should reconsider as the twin brothers, Fate and Destiny, are battling for supremacy over Mankind! Their battleground: a vast c...
Ayo the Clown is a 2.5D side-scrolling platformer reminiscent of genre favorites like Mario and Donkey Kong. What sets Ayo the Clown apart from traditional platformers is its sense...
Reverse x Reverse - это последняя игра от desunoya, создателя Tobari и the Night of the Curious Moon. Эта игра представляет собой симпатичный и причудливый платформер-головоломку,...
Ninja Action! The stage is set for conspiracy, mystery and evil in America. Come with Ninja Ryu as he takes you on his fateful journey. Tecmo's unique cinema display system develop...
Card Shark - это приключенческая игра, полная хитрости, интриг и восхитительного обмана. Войдите в мир, где вам нужно будет разыгрывать своих оппонентов лучше, чем вы разыгрываете...