A unique blend of City Building, Social Management, Exploration and Adventure gameplay, Distant Kingdoms brings a rich fantasy world to life. Help the Humans, Dwarves, Elves and O...
A side-scrolling adventure game that seamlessly blends RPG mechanics and puzzle solving, all set in a mysterious world rooted in Norse mythology. Inspired by games like Tower of th...
Led by Brok and Eitria, two spirited siblings, the Clan of the Horse are a quiet and sturdy people. They are also recognized by all as the best craftsmen and women of the known wor...
When a high-ranking security officer saves you from prison, you end up a pawn in her schemes. Now you must eliminate anyone standing in the way of her secret plans and try to get y...
Welcome to the Lost Caribbean! In this stealth strategy game, join a ghost ship with a living soul and assemble a cursed pirate crew. Embrace magical powers to defy the menacing ar...
Galactic Empire is a 2D turn-based strategy game where you, as the Commander, decide the fate of the entire universe. Expand your planet, explore solar systems, play cards in canti...
Welcome to an epic RPG world in which the town you build can grow from humble hamlet into a mecca for the land's most ambitious adventurers! The enterprising warriors that stop by...
Игра на выживание в симуляторе скоростного скоростного поезда.
2112TD is a tower defense onslaught. Build, deploy, research and upgrade your defenses in this epic, old school RTS inspired sci-fi adventure. Set 100 years in the future, battle...
Get ready for a logistic challenge in the new and even better Farm Manager 2021! Plan your field work according to the seasons, look after the animals, take care of machines and st...
Fight in massive battles between infantry, armored vehicles, tanks, cannons and planes. Realistically manage your weapons and equipment, coordinate with your squad, and tactically...
A follow-up to Xenonauts that takes place in an alternative timeline.
Become a Revenant and find the truth beyond revenge in this gothic fantasy RPG with stunning 3D battles! Boasting a story that blurs the lines between good and evil, a refined 3D b...
Delivery from the Pain is a survival-themed experience game. You will play a survivor who must explore, fight and gather resources in a world full of zombies. You will make contact...
Gladiator Guild Manager is a game about building your guild, buying, developing and equipping units, figuring out tactics in different arenas against various opponents and becoming...
In Game Dev Story starting from a small office and a few thousand dollars in the wallet, you will need to hire the necessary personnel to develop the first game of the newborn comp...
Bio Inc.: Redemption - это биомедицинский симулятор, в котором вы принимаете решения о жизни или смерти. Создайте смертельную болезнь, чтобы мучить свою жертву, или сыграйте за гла...
MMO-игра нового поколения, действие которой разворачивается в таинственном огромном открытом мире с пошаговой системой стратегических сражений. Приручайте и тренируйте своих норпон...
Nova Lands is a factory building, exploration, and island management game. Explore, engage in combat, and automate your industry. The planet you’re on is full of mysteries, creatur...
A dark and satirical management sim, where you take control of a recycling factory with a twist: it recycles humans. Your job is to decide who gets to escape our dying planet in a...
Techtonica is a first-person factory building game set beneath the surface of an alien planet. Work alone or in co-op to build factories, gather resources, research new technologie...
Program and optimize a drone to automate a farm and watch it do the work for you. Collect resources to unlock better technology and become the most efficient farmer in the world. I...
Experience the obsessive life of a mid-level stockbroker, pursuing wealth and success at the cost of everything else... possibly even your freedom.
Основанная на полете экшн-игра, разработанная так, чтобы ее было легко подобрать и наслаждаться сразу, а также чтобы в нее можно было играть в течение короткого промежутка времени....
Cosmoteer is a 2D top-down starship design and combat game developed by Walternate Realities for PC.
Твой дедушка оставил тебе свою старую ферму. Имея всего несколько монет и инструментов и с помощью своего дедушки, вы должны отправиться на старую ферму , чтобы снова придать ей но...