Blue Blaster is a 2006 mecha real-time strategy game developed by Kogado Studio's Iruka team. Released for Windows PCs. It is the sequel to the 2005 title Blue Flow, by the same de...
Existence is a grand RTS that puts you in command of an empire that is expanding across the galaxy. Colonize planets by building bases and extracting valuable resources to build yo...
Get ready for an epic adventure of bloodthirsty pirates and buried treasure. Treasure Planet brings Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island not just right up-to-date but into the...
Infinite Galaxy. Infinite possibilities. This is a next generation immersive, space game. With top 3D graphics and deep strategic choices to choose from, the secrets of the entire...
‘Alien Marauder’ is a real-time strategy game with survival and confrontation theme.In this game, you will be the leader to a treacherous alien planet, get all kinds of supplies to...
In Imagine Earth, players must protect and nurture a fledgeling space colony while wrestling against the forces of corporate greed and climate change. Establish trade, research new...
Рок. Бумага. Звездолеты! Наслаждайтесь острыми ощущениями и приливом адреналина, которые приходят с управлением целым флотом в виртуальной реальности.
Command & Conquer: The First Decade is a compilation of the Command & Conquer series' games published from 1995 to 2003, all bundled into one DVD and updated to run optimally on Wi...
Deadnaut is a Squad-Based tactical RPG from the developers of Zafehouse: Diaries.
A real-time, tower defense game specifically designed for the PSP that pits you against hordes of chitinous, carnivorous, bug-like creatures called Insectocytes.
Real time strategy game featuring over 130 different types of units and technologies, 21 campaign missions with characters and an intriguing story, unlimited random map skirmishes...
Guardians Frontline is a Sci-Fi VR shooter where you wield powerful weapons and command robot armies that help you fight off enemies in single-player, co-op, and PvP game modes. Co...
Grimstar is a Real-time Strategy game. Build your base in a hostile environment, train your army, gather resources, defend your mining operations. The more you mine - the more host...
A new city-building game set in the oceanic world of The Great Ursee, by BAFTA-nominated developer Tomas Sala. Design, develop and defend your Bulwark, manage resources and make ch...
Join Buck the bill collector as he unites the galaxy against the forces of evil. Send swarms of ships to defeat enemy planets and conquer the universe! Galcon Legends teaches the...
Achron is the world's first meta-time strategy game, allowing you to dynamically alter your past and future actions, send your units back and forth through time, even engineer temp...
You command the ship UNS Calypso with the refugees of the interstellar war. Your new home is 55 light-years from Earth. You must succeed in preserving the human race starting with...
Arena: Cyber Evolution (ACE) is a futuristic physics-based sports game in which players confront each other in 3 vs 3 matches of wits and twitch reflexes. By featuring a MOBA-like...
Savage Moon is a tower defense strategy game which sees the player protecting a remote, off-world mining facility from constant attack by Insectocytes, a type of carnivorous creatu...
Tactical fleet combat with modular spaceships. Engineer spaceships, compose fleets and command them in in real time battles. All ships are completely defined by their module compos...
Classed based arena shooter/strategy hybrid for Quake II that pits aliens against humans. Draws many parallels to the Half-Life TC Natural Selection.
An indie real-time strategy game developed in 2017 for the Commodore 64, developed by the creator of the YouTube technology channel The 8-Bit Guy.
From Orbit is a quick and light single player Action RTS. Guide your stranded crew home as they land on alien planets, scout out the area, build defenses, harvest valuable resource...
Korix places you somewhere deep in space, fighting for your race's survival after your home world is destroyed. With nothing left to lose, you are put in the role of commander with...
Starlink is a cross-platform, real-time strategy game that features co-op and competitive multiplayer even on the same device.
A pre-apocalyptic RTS-like, mutant blasting game with exploration and strategy elements. In this game you’ll manage and evolve your base camp and a crew of various operatives (Mari...
LONG AGO, THE GREAT TREE ATLAS GREW AT THE CENTER OF A DISTANT GALAXY. The worlds touched by Atlas prospered, and countless life forms thrived under its power. But even galax...
A space-sim / strategy game for Windows & Mac with procedural worlds, an infinite open universe, & combat based on fluid, ever-changing game dynamics.