This gripping paranormal horror adventure revolves around Hermitage, the sinister bookstore that attracts most unusual customers – all of whom seem to be involved in mysterious cas...
Handmade RPG by a game developer hopeful youth.
The aim of Idle Heroes is to assemble a group of Heroes and to continuously improve and equip them with new items. With these heroes fights are carried out, repeatedly, which bring...
Rance VI -The Collapse of Zeth- is the ninth installment of the Rance Series. Despite the fact that 5D was released earlier, Rance VI is usually considered the beginning of the new...
Survive the zombie apocalypse with a “Final Fantasy” turn-based combat and permanent death! Manage survivors, craft materials, and make difficult decisions. Defend your camp agains...
This summer, you and your best friends are heading out on a quest. You’ll climb through dark tunnels to reach mystical mountain temples. You’ll match wits with goblins, ghosts and...
Elf is a platform game which almost crosses into the adventure genre. You play an elf who is out to destroy Necrilous the Not-Very-Nice. It's resonably non-linear areas in that you...
The day the Iffermoon crashed, the world changed forever. In Iffermoon, you will explore your new world and meet many unique characters who will be willing to join your party and...
Четвертая запись в серии Final Fantasy была выпущена как Final Fantasy II на Западе, потому что вторая и третья игры там в то время не были выпущены. Игра представляет собой RPG в...
Embark on an adventure as a new Reaper who has gone rogue! Collect equipment and spells, learn powerful attacks against hordes of enemies, complete quests for a cast of quirky char...
Nexomon: Extinction is a return to classic monster catching games, complete with a brand new story, eccentric characters and over 300 unique Nexomon to trap and tame. The world is...
Enter the world of PIXEL HEROES and prepare yourself for a thrilling RPG/Roguelike experience like you have never seen before! Explore a randomized world full of hilarious events,...
An original game by Team Meatpie, featuring a girl named Nicole exploring a dream world.
Играйте в карты, создавайте свою колоду, чтобы получать лучшие комбо! В игре Pirates Outlaws выберите персонажа с заранее подготовленной колодой. Исследуйте свою экспедицию и управ...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the the second role-playing game for the Game Boy Color. It follows directly on from the first, with mostly the same game mechanics, cont...
It Lurks Below - это ориентированная на действие RPG на выживание в случайно сгенерированном мире. Сражайтесь в огромном подземелье, настраивайте своего персонажа с помощью случайн...
Sir Questionnaire - это пошаговая игра в жанре hack'n'slash, в которой вы попадаете в подземелье, и каждая комната дает вам два варианта: покинуть ее или взаимодействовать с тем, ч...
Temtem - это многопользовательское приключение по сбору существ, вдохновленное покемонами. Ищите приключений на прекрасном воздушно-десантном архипелаге вместе со своим отрядом Tem...
What is Ad Wars? Ad Wars is a multi-genre adventure game that takes place on a post-adpocalyptic universe. Wait, did you say multi-genre? That's correct! Ad Wars is a multi-genr...
Card and Chaos await you on an epic journey through Purgatory and the Doors of Insanity!
Создатели оригинальной и отмеченной наградами RPG match-3 вернулись со следующей главой в любимой и отмеченной наградами франшизе Puzzle Quest. Приготовьтесь к квесту-головоломке:...
We welcome all Vanguards to the Metaverse to participate in the building and development of Delysium, and witness the journey of this top-quality game that could become a prosperou...
Save whimsical creatures with the power of kindness in order to recolor a black-and-white world in Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan, a wholesome 2.5D Adventure-RPG!
Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask is based on an anime series of the same name. You can play either as a teenager boy or a teenager girl, named by the player. The two scenari...
Sinjid is the third game in the Sinjid series. It is a role-playing action-adventure game with real time battles made for flash. In this game, players take control of the eponymous...
Source of Madness is a side-scrolling dark action roguelite set in a twisted Lovecraftian inspired world powered by procedural generation and AI machine learning. Take on the role...
You are Névoa, an enigmatic child of Fate returning at long last to Earth, in this explor-action platformer from the creators of Celeste. Earthblade's lush pixel art world offers s...
Enter the futuristic universe of Mega Man.EXE in this new adventure in the Battle Network series. Join him in his battle to fight cyber crimes in this mega role playing adventure....