Saint Kotar is a psychological horror adventure set in an ancient rural town of Croatia. Take on the role of two godly men trying to unravel the terrifying truth behind the town's...
The Blogger is a third-person horror game focused on story, exploration, and solving simple puzzles to progress through a terrifying atmosphere. Take control of our protagonist, a...
Light hurt his eyes, use that to your advantage and keep him away. Learn the different points where the creature can enter to be prepared. Sound will give you clues to the creature...
Joy is a unique 2D horror game that blends unsettling mini-games with chilling cutscenes. What begins as an innocent experience quickly turns sinister, drawing you into a dark, unp...
Sorry We're Closed is a nostalgic single player survival horror game with rich lore and character interactions that allow multiple endings. Following the end days of Michelle, expl...
Deathbound is a one-of-a-kind party-based soulslike set in a callous world where Faith and Science clash. The forbidden city of Akratya is an unforgiving land that cannot be conque...