This gripping paranormal horror adventure revolves around Hermitage, the sinister bookstore that attracts most unusual customers – all of whom seem to be involved in mysterious cas...
Chasing Static is a first-person psychological horror short story. Uncover the forgotten remains of a government cover-up where a mysterious phenomenon caused time to stand still.
Demonologist is a Co-Op horror game that can be played with a maximum of 4 people and at least 1 person. Your goal is to detect the evil spirit type in cursed places with your team...
Totally Accurate Battle Zombielator, also known as TABZ, is a first person multiplayer action game. Meant as an april fools joke by the landfall team, this zombie game allows you t...
Prognostic is a supernatural horror about a medium who solves cases for the police. It combines horror elements with detective work. An orphan returns to the house of the deceased...
Scarlet Hollow is a horror-mystery game with sharp writing, dark humor, and hand-drawn art from Ignatz Award-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard.
Убитый горем клоун, своенравные души и сочные механические губы. По мере приближения “Большого события помогите обеспокоенным жителям Ареала обитания и снимите маску с таинственной...
Nightmare House 2 is a free, horror-themed first-person-shooter game, and the direct successor of the first classic horror map pack for Half-Life 2, Nightmare House in 2005. Nightm...
Your car has broken down in the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by age-old trees, you walk down the road in search of help,… with no idea of what lurks in these old forests.
Yuoni is a first-person narrative horror game that whisks you away to a sunset-stained world to play a deadly game of hide and seek. As grade-schooler Ai, navigate authentic Japane...
SCP: Secret Files is a collection of paranormal cases from the SCP Foundation, an organization tasked with containing dangerous anomalies. You join as an assistant researcher for D...
Moratheia is a King's Field-inspired game. It will take you to the land of Pelmora, a torn land where savage beasts await those who would dare explore its depths, where allies are...
Войдите в Дом Да Винчи, новую приключенческую 3D-головоломку, которую обязательно нужно попробовать. Решайте механические головоломки, находите спрятанные предметы, убегайте из ком...
You find yourself waking up in a room. You have been locked up in an old, decrepit house by Crazy Grandmother, a crazy old woman who hunts her prey with a bloodied baseball bat. Ex...
Отчужденный, мод для Half-Life 2, - это история одинокого рыбака, выброшенного на таинственный остров во время сильного шторма. Исследуйте богатую окружающую среду и познакомьтесь...
Откройте для себя приключения Шерлока Холмса в захватывающей атмосфере, впервые оказавшись в полностью насыщенном и захватывающем 3D-мире в реальном времени. На протяжении всего ва...
STAIRS is a first-person atmospheric psychological horror game, inspired by real-life events, that takes players through the stories of three missing people as seen through the eye...
Violation is a First Person Horror Game that takes Place in many other Worlds.
Ghost Theory is currently on Kickstarter. It is set to be a single player first-person horror game developed for Virtual Reality headsets but playable without them. In Ghost Theor...
Prepare for the Werewolf Hunt! Misanthrope’s curse echoes through the woods of Lovengrad. Terrible monsters, led by the werewolf, hunt for their prey. An oppressive atmosphere pair...
Gothos is an interactive mystery adventure on 3 CDs. Vampire clans from around the world are gathering, and rumors are circulating that the ancient Scrolls of the First Blood have...
The neighbor was always an unusual person and something that he hid in his house, you become curious, and you go to his home, but instead of getting acquainted, he starts to catch...
Trapped inside a mysterious laboratory and unable to remember his past, Derrick Cole discovers his extraordinary powers, as he fights for survival against a determined military fac...
Paper Bride is a Chinese horror mystery puzzle game. You will play as the groom to search for the truth and have bizarre encounters, gradually learning about the dark mystic custom...
Shadow Warrior 3 выводит серию необычных шутеров от первого лица на новый уровень благодаря гармоничному сочетанию быстро развивающейся перестрелки, острого, как бритва, ближнего б...
Three men once manned the lighthouse on Fetch Rock, but they vanished without trace on New Year, 1900. No-one knows what really happened to those three poor souls, and no-one is br...
A live action adventure horror game from Nippon Ichi Software.
“I didn't care about this ship… facility… whatever… Had to… Something, deep in my brain, deep in my flesh, boiled inside to remember…” In “Hollow,” you are one of the pilots tha...